
9 Reasons You are Making Spam Comment Unconsciously

My comment doesn’t show up? Is it categorized as spam comment?

Make sure you are not making spam comment! “spam comment is easy to make, but not good in return to your online business experience

What is Spam Comment?

Maketecheasier explained that …  “a spam comment is a comment which is posted automatically in blogs, websites, forums etc by automated bots, scripts or software … ” In my opinion, spam comment is a comment (whether posted by automated bots, scripts , software or human) which is substantially irrelevant with the content substance. Generally spam comment contain advertising or promotional links.

Why I said spam comment can be made by human? Because it is easy to make spam comment, you don’t need to think hard and many bloggers use it to put backlinks.

Why Spam Comment Exist?

As I mentioned above, making blog comment is the easiest way to promote your blog, for free. Thus, with so many amount of blogs to leave comment on the net sometime people do spam comment to reach out all of the blogs in effort to build blog’s SEO.

So many blogs (places) with so little time = spam comment

If you made your comment accepted and get published in a blog, you can put your blog link into it (comment link), and this link juice is something that many bloggers search for. So it is a total loss if you fail to reach this goal. Make sure your comment is not flagged as spam.

Avoid Yourself Making Spam Comment

I know there are many spam comment guidance out there but believe it or not, some people don’t know how to avoid it. Some people unconsciously making spam comment. I guess some people just need to be reminded, so I’ll do that here.

These are the Reasons Why You are Making Spam Comment

  • You don’t read or understand the blog content thoroughly but you are insist to comment
  • You don’t use your real name (human name or anonymous)
  • You give fake email
  • You are making an advertising
  • You add hyperlinks inside the comment box
  • You ask for reciprocal visit
  • You put keywords when you are not allow to do so
  • You put no value at all in your comment
  • Your comment is not in the same language with the content

Avoid Making Spam Comment and Get the Best Result

I know blog commenting is important for many people so make sure when blog commenting  you need to realize that you are leaving more than just a backlink. You need to add value. That’s the strategy to get your name or brand heard and begun to get more visitor. Make sure you are not making spam comment right now!

*Image Source :

I know you have something to say about spam comment topic, there is crucial loss if your comment is a spam, why don’t you share your experience in comment boxes below


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