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What Can You Do to Make Money Online?

“I can show you how to make $ 10,000 in a single day !!!”

Have you ever read such a notification before somewhere in the internet? Well, I do. And it sooo appealing to know more about it. Yes, I feel so hard to refuse to click it.

Internet has given more chance to every people who dare enough to try online venture to make a living from it.

But you know what, I keep something in my mind that if you want to survive online business then you could start ask a favor to others. Yes, before you plunge to far into disappointment of online venture there is always be great to take a look on how other managed through it so far.

The best part from asking others is it’s free and I believe many of you can do that. The worst they can say is no, but if you have got the answers, then many thing you can learn from it.

I am notice that nowadays many people start to realize that overnight success is a hard work but frankly speaking there are living proof about bloggers that managed an online success in a relatively short of time, and one of those bloggers is John Paul Aguiar.

Now, John want to share the tips with all of you about what a newbie can do to make money online …. properly.

Here are the tips which I have got from my own online blog interview with John Paul Aguiar. Feel free to read it 🙂

What makes you decide to jump off as blogger in this niche?

I started my blog Money Dummy to share the things I was doing online to make money. Tips on Blogging, Social Media and Internet Marketing. I wanted to share how people could follow what I have done and have the same success, thru simple to understand steps.

I just notice you have read a lot to obtain your expertise. Not everyone can do that John. What’s the secret to learn so fast? Do you mind to share with us?

There really is no way around the learning phase. You have to put the time in to read other blogs, ebooks, courses anything you can to learn more about the niche your in.

Once you have a good understanding you can get to work, but also keep the reading/learning going.

But if there is any secret to fast learning, then I would say if you start a blog about something you already do and enjoy then you will have all the learning you need to have faster success with your blog.

I am so interesting with your story “25 and On Disability … “. Then  you have made it all through in 11 months! Do you mind to share what happened in those “11 months”?

A lot happened haha   But in those 11 months I was working online, I was building a MLM business as well as being an affiliate for many products.

In those 11 months I learned to make enough money online to live off of. That was the begging of my blog

Do you think anyone from any background can master make money online? Why?

Hard to answer… it’s a Yes and a No.

You see the process to make money online isn’t that hard and there are numerous ways that you can make money online.  But what is hard, is having the motivation and drive and work ethic to put in the work to finally make money online.

Nothing happens easy or fast.. you have to put the time in and many people are not willing to do that.

Does experience matters in make money online?

Experience matters in everything, but it’s not a necessity.

Experience will help you see success a little faster but drive and hard work will beat out experience every time.

Anyone can come online today and put the time in to learn the steps it takes to see success online.

Do you think it is easier to learn how to make money online these days than the past 6 years?

I would say yes.  There are so many great bloggers and marketers out here that are happy to help

Just the fact that today you may have 20 top marketers online to help you, compared to maybe 5 or 6 years ago.

A crowded niche like the make money online one makes for competition, but for the newbie it makes for many many options for learning.

Do you feel any different between make money online and offline? Or it just about “9 to 5” and “no restricted schedule”?

I think the 2 biggest differences with making money online compared to off are…

You can start for much less money. All you need online is a computer, internet and a website and you are on your way. Offline businesses have more overhead cost. Rent, utilities, employees, travel cost etc…

Online you are free to work your business 24/7 and all over the world. Offline you are restricted to certain hours a day and equally working locally only.

How about support from your closest person? Is that matter to your success?

We all need support from friends and online friends.  Blogging and making money online long term is a team effort. You need friendships and partnership to see real success.

We all need a friend to help take our minds off the bad days. There are days online that things don’t work right, it’s good to have friends you can go visit, relax and have fun with to clear your mind.

What can a newbie do if there is no support?  Should he/she quit blogging?

I think it is impossible for a newbie blogger to have no support.  There are so many smart helpful bloggers out here that there will always be at least one willing to help you.

I don’t you should ever quit blogging. But I would say that if you are blogging for money and see no results in a couple years of HONEST hard work, then I would say try something new.

You have to really enjoy blogging, and helping people to keep blogging long term, it is not easy, but worth the effort in the end.

Last one, if there is zero experience bloggers going to start his/her first “blog to make money online” journey, what everlasting advise you probably gave them to survive?

I would tell them to never start blogging JUST for money.

Blog about something you care about or have experience in and do it because you like to share what you know.  Once you have a nice following and readers then you can slowly think about making money with your blog.

Blogging for money is hard work and takes thick skin and time. If you start a blog just to make money you will be very unhappy with the success you will see.

But if you blog for fun and put the work in day in and day out, in time I promise your blog will make you money.

Just don’t chase the money.

John Paul Aguiar is a Blogger and Social Media Marketer and the owner of . John Paul’s blog covers all areas of how to Build A Blog and how to Make Money Blogging. From Traffic Tips to Twitter Marketing and Social Media in a keep it simple way that anyone can follow. Get John Paul’s Free Blogging Course and 2 Bonuses

Read other interview :

So … what do you think? Why don’t you share this tips so other can also take all the advantages from it.


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