
What is Lead and How to Generate Lead?

What is lead may be a basic question that many business people take it for granted. Having better understanding on this matter might growth your business exponentially and assist you better to generate lead.

What is Lead?

Lead is a very important concept in business. Lead is what easily everyone’s talking about it, everyone is paying for it. Not many people really pay attention what qualifies someone as a lead or maybe something as a lead if you’re looking at it in the wrong way.

Basically a lead is some form of contact, it could be an email, it could be a phone number, it could be a social media like, it basically allows you to contact someone.

A lead is a person you need to communicate with for business purpose. The three things that qualifies individual as a lead:

  • Interested
  • Has money
  • We can help

They need to be interested in what you have to offer, they need to have money to be able to afford it and third we should be able to help them at the end of the day. If we can’t help them even if they are interested in our product it’s not a good fit.

If you want to build a business and/or run a business you are going to need customers.

The idea of having customers is the most crucial and vital part of any business because without customer we don’t have a business.

A lead is basically the ability to turn someone who is interested to someone who’s a customer that generating lead gives you that ability. You cannot have customers without having people interested in your offerings first.

For example let’s talk about a very famous company that everyone’s familiar with. Let’s talk about Apple. You cannot have apples customers, let’s say you cannot have MacBook owners without having people interested in mac books first.  That’s why the idea of Lead is so critical and important because a lead is someone who’s interested in your offering and basically that could be through someone who you have their email or their phone number or they like your Facebook page whatever that is, it allows you to be able to contact that person.

You may communicate with them and get them to buy your product or service. You cannot ignore this part of  business. Many businesses out there they totally ignore this part and they wonder why they’re not as successful as they need to be because first they think of it as a funnel that’s basically what a sales funnel is.

At the table you get visitors so we call them into the funnel and then you basically turn them into leads and then you give leads information and then you offer leads your products and then leads will buy and they become customers so that’s what a lead is.

Lead is a step in the process of making a sell someone who is qualified by being interested, someone who has money that can afford your products and offerings and someone that we can help.

How to Generate Lead?

If we can get all these three requirements checked then guess what, we’re basically having a top-quality lead, a lead that could be turned into a customer if you know how to inform them, how to help them to achieve their goals and solve their problems by educating them and by telling them about your services and products and your offering.

Think of it this way, if you ignore this then you would make no sells, then your business will fail. I just want to insist on how important leads are and why you need to pay special attention and never kind of make the mistake of ignoring your leads. Of course we all have some number of leads and we try to convert them but after a while we totally ignore them it’s like you want to just get them to buy your product  and if they don’t you just forget about them – that’s the wrong way.

The right way is to educate them. Keep educating them, keep giving them value so they have your brand, they have your products an offering in mind. As long as you keep in touch with them the possibility of them becoming a customer gets higher and higher and higher.

Don’t Stop Here Look How to Turn Leads into Sales