What should you know before making the purchase?
Before booking a service or buying something from an online store, always remember to check the Terms and Conditions of the website, as well as the shipping policy of the website. The best way to do that is to contact the telephone operators of the company and ask them everything you are interested in. However, always to communicate via e-mail – this will not only save you additional costs but you will also have a written affirmation. Do not forget to ask if they will provide you with a tracking number of the purchase, which you can use in order to check online where the shipment is.
After the purchase
Always require a confirmation of your purchase and payment with an e-mail up to 24 hours after you have made the purchase. You must get an e-mail with some data about the shipment – details about the product, its price, the addresses of the sender and the recipient, as well as the payment method you have chosen. This applies to both local and foreign websites. A great number of online stores also have a call center and the operatives working there call in order to confirm your purchase. Many companies also have an internal status of your purchase, which you can check in order to trail your shipment.
Let’s revise once again what information you are supposed to get after making an online purchase in order to be sure everything about your online shopping security is intact:
- A written confirmation that you have made a purchase
- A written confirmation about the overall price of your purchase
- A written notification explaining how you can track your shipment and how the delivery is supposed to happen
- A written confirmation about the payment method you have chosen
Above content is a guest post by Rose
Rose Finchley is passionate blogger and writer keen on different topics. She currently works as a manager of https://www.cleantoperfection.co.uk and she has a lot of time to write for her readers.