Microdermabrasion: Your Skin Care Partner That Removes More Than Blackheads – Notordinaryblogger

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Microdermabrasion: Your Skin Care Partner That Removes More Than Blackheads

Blackheads are an extremely common form of skin blemish that happens when a pore is clogged by an unfortunate mix of bacteria, excess oil and dead skin cells.  There are various possible culprits for why they happen. It could be because of your skin care routine, lifestyle, diet or even the state of your skin.

Blackheads can be major confidence killer. But luckily, there are many ways  to remove these blemishes, the most common of which is by using a blackhead remover machine. More specifically, through microdermabrasion.

Don’t get intimidated by the word, because the idea behind microdermabrasion is actually quite simple. It works only on the topmost layer of the skin by spraying microcrystals to the pores, and using a vacuuming motion to remove blemishes like whiteheads, blackheads and acne. That’s why dermatologists and aestheticians recommend it!

These are a few other things you need to know about microdermabrasion:

Image: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0017/4080/0044/files/ShopifyImageMicrodermabrasion.jpg?v=1522847278

Microdermabrasion is virtually painless

As mentioned earlier, microdermabrasion only works on the superficial layer of your skin, so there are no needles or lasers involved in this treatment. You’ll probably feel a slight tugging on your skin, but it’s all due to the vacuuming motion of the device (nothing else).

Microdermabrasion provides thorough blemish removal

It works by removing comedones (the soft little white beads that turn into whiteheads, blackheads and pimples) straight from the pores. It also thoroughly rids the face of dirt, excess oil and dead skin cells to discourage further development of blackheads and other blemishes.

Microdermabrasion promotes proper blood circulation

Promoting proper blood circulation can be a struggle especially for the face. However, the suction motion of microdermabrasion makes this possible. This increase of blood circulation also promotes collagen and elastin production which is excellent if you’re pinning for soft, supple skin.

Microdermabrasion can also remove wrinkles

Having fine lines is an incredible tell tale sign that you’re ageing.  Wrinkles are not necessarily bad, but not everyone wants them. If you’re itching to smoothen out those wrinkles, microdermabrasion  by removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells, which causes the lines to become less defined. It also promotes skin elasticity and flexibility, making your skin less likely to get more fine lines.

Microdermabrasion promotes healthy skin cell regeneration

Microdermabrasion removes all the dead skin sitting on top of your skin so all healthy cells gets to have the spotlight. Since it promotes collagen and elastin, it allows the skin to become more strong and flexible.

Microdermabrasion might require you to talk to your doctor

Although it’s technically non-invasive, microdermabrasion still involves promoting blood circulation and working on the pores. If you have a condition such as eczema, severe acne or other special skin issues, you might need to consult with your doctor first before undergoing microdermabrasion,  to explore its possible risks and ways to work with them.

Image: https://pixabay.com/en/woman-microdermabrasion-3067179/

How to get a microdermabrasion treatment

If you think microdermabrasion is for you, there are two ways to get the treatment: (1) from an aesthetician/dermatologist, or (2) through a microdermabrasion machine.

You can contact your trusted aesthetician or dermatologist to book for an appointment for professional help. However, note that microdermabrasion requires a few session to see it’s full effect. Therefore, in such case, you might have to see your trusted professional more than once a week.

Another option is to get a microdermabrasion machine that you can use at home. There are a few trust worthy products on Amazon, Etsy and Ebay. With sufficient research, you should be able to find one that works perfectly for you. (Important: For at-home microdermabrasion treatments, remember to follow step by step instructions to see good results.

Generally, microdermabrasion is relatively new compared to other skin care products and treatments. But it’s one that combines many different skin benefits in one so you can get clear, smooth, and flawless skin possible.

Microdermabrasion removes all sorts of impurities and causes of these impurities, acting as both cleansing and exfoliating tool. It’s a blackhead remover machine that does more than remove blackheads. It’s an effective beauty tool that can take your skin care game to the next level.


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