
How to Turn Leads into Sales

How to turn leads into sales may be one of the biggest challenge a business must face.

Are you a local business generating leads and you wanna turn more of those leads into customers? Probably so.

And in this post, we’re gonna talk about six tips to help you do just that.

A great marketing campaign can generate a tremendous amount of awareness and lead flow.

But the key is, to be successful, you have to turn those leads into customers. So many small businesses are generating a lot of leads, they’re doing good on the marketing side, but they’re falling short on the sales side, taking that lead into the customer cycle.

And so, let’s find out six tips to help you take more of those leads and turn them into sales, revenue, and longterm customers.

Tip number one, if you’re buying leads and having a hard time closing those deals, stop doing that. Instead, invest that time, money, and resources into your own marketing campaigns to build your own brand and generate your own leads. Cause when you’re buying leads, you’re competing with a lot of other folks out there.

And what’s happening is, it’s a race to the lowest price, which is not where you wanna be. So, stop buying leads.

Tip two, respond fast. When a lead calls you, or fills out a quote form, or some sort of lead submission on your website, respond quickly.

Studies show, you have to respond within 15 minutes, that’s when the lead is the hottest. There’s this old saying, leads age like mayonnaise in the sun, and it’s so true.

If you don’t get back to them within that 15 minute window, there either A, looking for somebody else, or B, not so hot anymore.

So, make sure you can do that. If you can’t, invest in the salesperson that’s key to your success.

Tip number three, when you get in contact with the lead, be professional and be friendly. People buy from people they like, right?

A customer will stay a month, but a friend, they’ll stay forever. And so, it’s important to help build that rapport real early, be professional, be friendly. If they like you, they’re probably gonna move to the next step, which is becoming a customer.

Tip number four, ask for the business. You’d be amazed how many business owners don’t actually ask for the business or salespeople don’t ask for the business.

Clearly, the lead seems to like you, you’ve answered all their questions and then you get off the phone and you didn’t go anywhere.

At the end of the conversation, say hey, what do I have to do to earn your business?

By asking for the business, you’ll see that you’ll turn more of those leads into customers faster.

Tip number five, do what you say and say what you do. Don’t drop balls, these are red flags to leads. If you don’t call them on time, if you miss a call, if you don’t email them when you say you’re gonna email them, if your bid is a day late instead of a day early; these are all hurting you.

But if you say what you do, and you do what you say, this builds trust, which makes them wanna move to the next step.

Tip number six, and here’s a bonus tip, ask for reviews after you earn their business. If you do a great job in the sales process, you’re probably gonna do a great job when they’re a customer, and then ask for a review.

By doing so, you’re gonna build your online reputation, which is gonna make it easier to close future deals on future leads.

Hopefully these six tips will help you take more of those leads into customers.

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