Search Engine Optimization Tips Ngeblog

What Should I do to Attract More Backlinks to My Blog?

Attract more backlinks is important? agree?

Much has transformed in search engine optimization today, but certain things still remain the same. The increasing demand for backlinks, or inbound links, for example remains as crucial today.

as it was in the initial time of search. The background for this is that it is, theoretically, consistently a reliable sign for estimating the relative popularity of a blog.

But not all backlinks are build equal. Today the highlight is much more on attracting the most relevant backlinks rather than randomly going for quantity.

Truth be told, attempting to attract more backlinks without concerning where they’re coming from is a quick method to suffer in the search result rankings.

Exhausted of bloggers attempting to game their results by ‘unnatural’ tricks, Google and the other big search engines finally took measure. They punishing those blogs that use less than honest methods to build backlinks. Hence, today’s search algorithms provide more weight to links that are derived from relevant, authoritative sites.

In your journey to obtain better position in the search rankings you have to attract more backlinks from sites that are :

  1. Closely related to the content on your own blog, and
  2. Rank very well in the search results and that  are authorities in their business. And the easiest way to acquire that is to produce content that viewers actually compel to share with others.

It is beneficial to spend some cash on making content that will be interesting and useful to others.

How-to contents, tips-based, tutorial contents, guides to difficult subjects and reports on problems related to your industry can be a fast way to attract more backlinks, as they deliver value.

Once you’ve published your content you can release it to a larger audience through social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

If it’s filled with approval in this environment. It can have a chain marketing effect that distributes the right information massively to your potential viewers, and just as importantly in the eye of Google.

Social signals such as ‘likes’ are developing to have a more significant role in determining where your blog ranks on Google.

Ultimately, guest blogging can be an indispensable tool in your journey to attract more backlinks.

In fact, there are many authoritative blogs actively invite guest post blogging. They will permit you put a link to your blog close by author bio at the end of your post.

Ready to Attract More Backlinks?

Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos

Do you think backlinks important? What do you do to attract more backlinks to your blog?


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