Search Engine Optimization

Why Has My Website Traffic Dropped?

The number of website traffic can determine the fate of a website. A webmaster can be more enthusiast to build bigger audiences or decided to quit at once. If you ever wonder “why has my website traffic dropped” then you are come to the right place to find answer. By knowing the reasons you can do something to fix it as counter measurement. Why has my website traffic dropped? Here are the most possible reasons:

Why has my website traffic dropped

8 Possible Reasons that Cause Website Traffic Dropped

Your web content being copy-pasted

Website traffic dropped is the most terrible thing can happen to webmaster. One of many reasons can cause this damage is your web content being copy-pasted. Making great content is not easy thing to do. It even get worse when you realize someone has copy-pasted your content. Being a victim in this field is always possible because everyone can see our website through internet. Despite the google algorithm to eliminate spammy websites that contain copy-pasted content, some of those are still rank in good position. With the progress happening behind google algorithm, you may get your traffic back once those spammy websites being deleted.

Your backlinks are stagnant

Like it or not, number of backlinks can affect your website traffic. The more links you get the more chance your website traffic will grow. Google still count the number of links to measure their rank of search result page.

Often Change template

Template can affect the number of website traffic because the structure of template can easily recognize by search engine bot crawlers. If you change website template too often the risk is that the bot crawlers having difficulties to recognize your website structure. It is wise not to  change your website template often.

No Recent updates (for a very long time)

Your visitors are human in the end and it is normal that people love something new and informative. If your website rarely publish new contents then you should not wonder if your website traffic drop. Find your rhythm on website update and try your best to keep it.

Aware of the Trending Topic

What’s been trending topic can also affect your website traffic. If you blog tells everything about Santa Claus then probably your highest website traffic happens in December. It is best to focus on specific niche. In order to maintain the number of website traffic you have to be smart in dealing with trending topic around your niche.

Number of Ads or Widgets

Do you know that the more ads or widgets you display the more time needed by your website to load ? Visitor will leave your website if they need too much times to wait your website to get load.

You are being Sandbox-ed

Once a website being sandbox(ed) there’s little chance to get traffic. Even your website will not showing up on search result page. Obey google guideline to run a healthy website then your website won’t be included on that box.

Losing the competition

Competitions among webmasters are fierce on the way to the first page of Google. Everyone now that first page of search result is the source of unlimited traffic. If your website traffic has dropped, it’s probably losing on the main keywords. You can invest on your SEO campaign or try other new keywords to compete.


If you are having question on “Why has my website traffic dropped?” Try to figure it out from these 8 points and start remedies action soon to get your traffic back.


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