
Does alexa rank matters? 18 Practitioners’ Opinions About the Importance of Alexa Rank!

If you noticed, I have included alexa rank in my audiences profile of the latest monthly report. Since July 2013, I realize they have had new looks. Do you think there’s something more valuable about it?

I have to admit that there is discrepancy out there amongst webmaster on the importance of alexa rank. The debate opinions about it has made me currious on what really happen around the net, particularly on the subject of alexa rank.

Let’s take a look on what others said responding “does alexa rank matters?” and where they share their opinion

1 Yaro Starak in entrepreneurs-journey

Whether you value your Alexa traffic ranking or not there are definite advantages to having a high AlexRank. Many webmasters and business folk look at the AlexaRank as a reasonable representation of a site’s traffic. If you are selling advertising from your site the more “proof” you can demonstrate of your traffic – and in AlexaRank’s case it is an independent valuation of your traffic, which adds credibility – the more likely advertisers will come knocking at your door willing to give you some of their ad budget.

2 Daniel Scocco in dailyblogtips

In my opinion the only factor that makes people still consider Alexa is its ranking system. People like rankings. They like to compare A with B and C. and Google Trends still need to develop such a continual ranking system (right now you can only do on-spot comparisons). Should they come up with such a ranking system, though, I am not sure how many people would still look at the Alexa numbers.

3 Nile Flores in Blondish

Yes, it does. A lot of ad systems and advertisers look at these ranks to figure out how successful a site is and gauge how many people they could possibly attract through purchasing advertising. Others think of it as a site goal to make a certain number. That is fine too. People need these type of systems to find some sort of progress. Please do remember that it does take some work to achieve these types of goals. Some webmasters will succeed faster than others due to their website’s topics and their influence within social networks as well as other online communities.

4 Robert Farrington in mymultipleincomes

While Alexa is not a perfect measure by any means, it is one of the best available.  It is important to note that Alexa only counts visitors that visit your site with the Alexa Toolbar installed.  Therefore, it doesn’t measure all of your site’s traffic.  As a result, there are some very popular sites that have high Alexa rankings, and there are some less popular sites that have great Alexa rankings.  This can happen at sites that cater to web developers or bloggers, since many of them utilize the toolbar.

5 Kiesha Easley in trafficgeneraioncafe

Lower Alexa rank is a rough indicator that a site produces quality content frequently. While Alexa doesn’t directly measure or analyze content, a site that frequently posts quality content will most likely have a better ranking because they’ve provided more opportunities for people to return to their site. In other words, these sites tend to bring in more traffic. So it’s definitely worth striving for a decent ranking. It makes it easier to demonstrate your competence as a blogger.

6 Marcus Sheridan in thesaleslion

While I used to be obsessed over my lovely friend Alexa, I now simply don’t care. It is what it is. And until Alexa starts leaving comments on my blog, chatting with me on Skype, or paying me for services—I’ll just let her ‘rank’ me however she’d like, and let the real results speak for themselves.

7 Aaron Wall in seobook

Alexa by itself does not mean that much, but it simply provides a rough snapshot of what is going on. It can be spammed, but if a site has a ranking in the millions then it likely has little traffic. It is also hard to compare sites in different industries. For example, if I created a site about weight loss there would be many more people searching for it than a site about knitting. Also, you shouldn’t forget the webmaster bias the tool has, which means my site will have a higher Alexa rating than it should.

8 Michelle Shaeffer in

It’s not bad to have a high Alexa rating.  It’s awesome if you do.  But like so many “measurements” I don’t think it’s the only way to figure out who’s worth reading.  Ask your friends.  Google the questions you’ve got and see who’s answering them.  Some of the smartest business people I know, even some who’ve made 7 figures in their businesses, have terrible Alexa rankings for their websites.  I’d be crazy to reject learning from them for that reason alone.  But on the other hand, sites that DO have great Alexa rankings probably are worth reading.

9 Yeremi Akpan in probloggertips

To most internet users, a lower Alexa rank means higher quality and traffic. We all know that’s not true, but there is something to it. Having a site with a low Alexa rank means that you have frequently updated content that attracts readers to come back, so to a large extent the rank is a self-fulfilling prophesy.

10 Nandita B in seohour

There is an intense debate about the alexa ranking system for blogs and websites. People always complain – I am getting huge traffic everyday but my alexa rank is still not increasing. This happens because alexa considers traffic originating from browsers installed with alexa toolbar only. traffic from browsers without alexa toolbar do not come under alexa ranking algorithm. In reality, the algorithm of alexa ranking system for blogs and websites is one of the best in the online ranking industry.

11 Wong Chengdong in hotblogtips

It’s a company owned by that ranks popularity, traffic and publishes reports on over 30 million websites. Don’t game the system. Provide great value to your visitors and you’ll see your Alexa rankings improve from month to month.

12 Electra Ford in basicblogtips

Alexa rates how well our blogs or websites are performing and monitors visitor traffic. Its ranking is important mainly because advertisers review its stats when considering which sites to promote their products and services.

13 Sahil Kotak in Shoutmeloud

The main data Alexa get’s from is Alexa Toolbar, so if your site gets 20,000 Uvs per day and only 10% of them would be using Alexa toolbar then Alexa will get data of only 2000 visitors. The remaining visitors probably won’t be counted or they would get data of them from different sources. So, all in all Alexa Rankings is not too much dependable for considering a website’s total traffic.

14 Onibalusi Bamidele in writersincharge

I know there has been a lot of debate on the importance of the Alexa ranking system but I’d like you to know that what matters most isn’t what you think of your business but what other people think of it. It doesn’t matter how great of an expert you think you are or how knowledgeable you think you are about a subject if people think otherwise then there’s little you can do.

15 Amar Ilindra in geekdashboard

Every Blogger dreams to increase alexa ranking in their site. Increasing alexa ranking is not a difficult task and even a newbie Blogger can do this. Although Alexa rank is not so important and accurate, every blogger including try to increase alexa ranking. Now a days many bloggers considering Page Rank and Alexa Rank before making any deals with other sites or websites.

16 Dinesh in dailyblogmoney

If you consider Alexa vs traffic of a blog/website, its not connected at all. High traffic sites do not have good  Alexa rank, at the same time good  Alexa rank sites not having higher traffic. Totally, you can’t decide a site’s traffic strength by it’s Alexa rank.

17 Aditya Nath Jha in inspire2rise

Alexa is like a global world wide traffic directory. It is a website owned by . It gives the position of a website on the World Wide Web. It uses traffic statistics and data from past three months and data collected from Alexa internet toolbar users, and several other sources.
lower Alexa rank means you are going good. And higher means you need to work on your traffic. Simply put, whenever an advertiser would like to determine whether your site is good enough or not they will check your Alexa ranking. This will help them understand your site’s global popularity and the traffic it receives globally.

Thus what about my opinion?

If you pay close attention on alexa statistic, there’s change on it looks. To me it looks better than before yet they have put more effort to market the service. New description include “where our visitors come from” and “visitor engagement”. These two metrics are used to be on Google Analytics. It’s a clear sign they want improvement of their information quality.

Many well-established information sites such as nytimes, huffingtonpost, and our local newspaper websites have a low alexa rank. Whether they have paid third party service or not to get lowered their ranks, most online newspaper readers don’t give attention on alexa toolbar, yet they keep visiting the sites. Thus, despite on all debate on it I like to say that alexa rank indicate site popularity (because visitors believe you have all information they want) which is mostly attractive for advertising purposes.

What do you think? Does alexa rank matters for your blogging business?


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