
How to Stay A Step Ahead Of Big Competitors

Small business today has grown faster than before. The more people do business the more competition you have to face. If you are small business owner, it is obvious that you have faced tough competition from supermarket, mall or department store all the time. Even though small business do not have the kind of funds major business have, it does not mean that small business owner cannot go nowhere. So how to stay a step ahead of big competitors? If you are small business owners, here are some important clues to consider

Costumer Relations

Business needs costumer to grow. No costumer no deal. No deal no money. A satisfied customers will tell their communities about your small business. Hence you will get far greater customer base. If you want to stay ahead of big competitors, keep your customers satisfaction is priority.

Unique Products

Highlight the uniqueness of your services and products particularly that of your competitor. Customers will select your services and products only after they feel you sell something different from your competitor.

Empower Employees

If you watch clearly on what big companies do with their employees is routine training on specific field of business, particularly in the field related with customers. Big companies realize that customer satisfaction is utmost aspect in their business.

Employee Satisfaction

The one who run your business is your employee. A satisfied employee will do their best on their skills. That is why big companies provide incentives, bonuses or other advantages to maintain employee satisfaction.


If you use it correctly, technology can help you market your services and products better. Establish an ecommerce website to reach broader customers base is one example on how useful technology to your business.

Discounts or Freebies

Cut on prices or offer something for free will grab customers attention like nothing else can. If you able to manage routine discount on stock clearance offers more customers will pay more attention to your business.

Work Together

If there is a chance to work together with other small business owners you should give it a try. This can be a form of alliances that can out-performed the big competitor.

Use Internet Network

As previously mention about ecommerce, the use of internet networks can save you time and money. Internet can help you create quick sales without any worry on office spaces, work hours and many more.

Knowledge of Competitor

Learn the marketing tactic used by your competitor and make a strategy accordingly. Understanding your opponents is half the competition. Attempt to acknowledge what they are weakness and strength. This will ease you to work efficiently to avoid business mistakes.

Are You Small Business Owners?

As a small business owners, feel intimidated is natural. If you can view the positive ways, the competition can create adversity and it can be transformed into opportunity. The rivalry allows you to understand where your weakness and to assist you improve the services.


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