Blog traffic increase is a powerful indicator for beginner blogger. The sign can give you a boost in enhancing the blog you love. Blog traffic is like blood of our body. If you manage to build a good quality of it, our body are going to grow healthy. That is what many bloggers want to see happening to their blog.
Blog Traffic Increase, How Difficult Is It?
Increasing blog traffic means you need to have business mindset. Here are some ideas on how you can do it.
Buy a domain name that is old enough with good quality backlink on it. You can do a domain check HERE. You can search easy by typing any domain name you can think of and search if someone else has taken it or not.
Once you decide the domain name, all you need next is to build the website and put content on it. You are not always the one who has to make the content.
It is always good idea if you can make your own content, yet it going to take most of your time to create a good quality content. You can get content for $5 like the example below:
If you like to have blog traffic increase this way, you just need to make a research and simple calculation. Here’s some example (if your content is article):
Let’s say you already have chosen domain name and web hosting subscription. You just need to publish contents on your own blog. You have a budget of $100
Use free keyword research tools from . By using that great source you can decide what content idea you should make and should publish on your blog. The best thing about h-supertools is that it can give you an idea of how much CPC value of the content topic interest you.
Once you decide the content you want, make the order for the content. Let’s say you decide to have a content service for a price of $5 per content.
You are free to make edit on your own for the content you ordered. Or not, you just publish it on your blog.
Depends on how high the competition of the keyword you choose for creating a content, you can make a return of your $5 investment on scalable times.
With a budget of $100 you can have blog traffic increase in a matter of time with quality long term result.
That is how business mindset works in building your blog traffic.
A good selection of keyword competition can result in blog traffic increase sooner than you think.
A traffic increase can mean more business opportunity for you as the blog owner. Remember with $100 you can have 20 contents. Furthermore, you have the potential to build long lasting income with all contents you have.
Here is some ilustration:

With the help of Google Adsense, blog owner can have the chance to generate income from a single content. As you see from the screen capture above, a good selection of a content topic can increase blog traffic constantly yet generate you income.
The most income from 10 contents comes from 1 content that reached 7,162 in a particular time. That single content generate $3.68 constantly. With easy calculation, after 8 days that content already generate around $25.
What if you have 20 contents like that? In 8 days you can generate $580. That’s the beauty of blog traffic increase strategy.
It is not so difficult, it is pure a business mindset.
All you need is manage your money, spend it wisely on domain name, web hosting, and contents.
Remember, blog traffic increase is the ingredients of having better business opportunity with your blog. As you can see on the illustration, some contents have thousands exposure yet only generate $0,09 and below. It is all about business mindset, you need to manage your money and creating content that makes you more.
One thing for you to remember, focusing only money is never a great idea in business, always add value into it and your business will grow even bigger.
Read: Why Great SEO is Great Content
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