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8 Traffic Generation Strategies that Will Give You a Lot of Benefits

Traffic generation strategies become more important for bloggers moreover if you run a blog for business purposes.

Why is it important? some bloggers said that content is not king.

Some will say relationship is matter and some one else say promotion and traffic are importants.

Little bit distracted? 🙂 We’re not on a debate to decide it anyway. But, because some bloggers (quite many of them) say that traffic is (king) important then let me deliver the simple traffic generation strategies to you.

These strategies won’t give you instant result, but in the long run it can increase your traffic. Frankly speaking this strategy not only increase traffic but also help you build online presence which is important in the world of anonymity.

1. Know Where to Give Comment

There are some alternative to know where to leave comments. First you can choose a blog that that use comment luv plugins (or some blogs have installed the premium commentluv).

The reason is simple. As you may see here (I am also using commentluv), each time you leave comment your last post title will appear. That is smart promotion. If anyone interested with what you’ve got, all they have to do is to click your comment link. Smart, simple and fast.

Second, choose a (do follow) blog and make sure your blog is do follow too 😀

These two are alternatives, you can do it one by one or combine it. Just take it easy, it takes some time.

2. Have a Call to Action in the End of Your Posts

The essence is … to make it go viral. There are billions of social media users out there aren’t they? So make sure your post going viral to let them know your posts. The easy way to do that is “ask” the reader to make it happen. Have a “call to action” in the end of your posts.

3. Give Your Best Article to Other Blog

Be a guest blogger. Have you ever heard Onibalusi, he has written 250 guest posts in 8 months (not focused on A-list bloggers). He has no targeted on high rank blog, all he has to do is just spread the link, be anywhere just like “Freddy Krueger of blogging” did.

That’s what Onibalusi has done and he has outstanding result on his blog. But why he not focus on A-list bloggers? What will you do if you were him?

4. Go Google after Publishing Your Post

In the internet world I am pretty sure what you have written is already written by someone else on the net. If it is, don’t worry … it’s your own voice it won’t be the same.

What you need to do is go for it, join in that article leave your feedback. You have finished the same topic so I bet you have a great opinion to say.

When you do that, you are start to steal everyone attention on that blog, and guess what … you’ll get some new visitors 🙂

5. Give What You Always Want to Others

Have you ever think that way? I mean, if you really want to get traffic then you should start to open relationship with others.

Give what you always want to happen with your blog. And you will initiate a great relationship. You can start to leave a helpful comment, make it goes viral or anything simple that you can easily do.

6. Start to Show-Off Positively

You know why people visit your blog? I guess there are  some reasons.

Maybe the visitors know you somewhere (from your guest post on all over the internet)

Maybe you have a great blog rank (alexa or page rank)

Maybe you have known popular figure in your niche (an interview with A-list bloggers?)

Or Maybe you have great social media proof (huge email subscribers, huge page fan or followers etc).

People will start to impress if you have any of them. People will start to keep coming back to see more from you.

7. Make a Well-Researched of Blog Contents

Every blogger have their own potential to be stand-out online, but the easiest way to grasp visitor attention is from your blog contents.

You don’t need to be a great person to get listened, even those A-list blogger start from no one.

What you have to do is be make sense. How to achieve it? Make a decent research on what you want to say online.

8. Deal with Spam Comments Wisely

It sounds weird? I tell you why …  spam comments is always exist. So, what if you can handle it wisely? rather than just delete it.

If you can manage it well enough, they will keep coming back. The result is traffic.

Just one reminder for this number 8 strategy. Don’t do it for permanent purposes. Focus on getting subscribers is better. But if you don’t have it yet then you should know how to take advantage of spam comments.

Where to Start the Traffic Generation Strategies?

You may start from the easiest one first then step-by-step go for the hardest.

In my experience, blog commenting is the easiest way, while guest blogging is the hardest one.

That is exactly what I have done with this blog and I feel that this traffic generation strategies give me more than just a traffic for sake. It give me online relationships with other bloggers.

Would you mind to share this post so others can also take benefit of ?

If you have something to say about these traffic generation strategies, I would like to hear it from you. Please share some comments below 😀


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