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3 White-Hat Ways to Find Alexa Toolbars Users

The Good and The Bad Ways to Improve Alexa Rank

Alexa rank, like it or not has particular advantage to website performance. Some advertising network like textlinkads include alexa traffic ranks into their consideration to measure a website. This condition have made many people try their best to reduce the alexa rank of their website. Some are paying high for it and some do the black-hat methods.

Avoid the black hat-methods to improve alexa rank

The development of internet marketing has made two side of methods to achieve success. There’s white-hat (known as the good side) and black-hat (as the bad side).

In our pursue of improving alexa traffic rank, black-hat method has special place to people who like the shortcut of everything. Information of the black-hat methods to improve alexa rank could easily be found in big marketing forums or even through the help of search engines.

What ever you know about it or how appealing the method to your eyes is, just avoid it. Here’s why :

“Our traffic engineers constantly review the traffic data we receive from our users and remove any attempts at artificial manipulation. Our methods evolve as the cheating does, and on the whole, our methods are successful” (source : Alexa help system)

If you want a healthy alexa rank improvement, avoid the black-hat and just follow these white-hat methods to find alexa toolbars users’. Wait a second, why alexa toolbars users?

Here’s another reason from the same source above :

Alexa’s traffic data is based on a global panel of Toolbar users which is a sample of all internet users. The panel consists of millions of users using toolbars created by over 25,000 different publishers. Known biases include (but are likely not limited to) the following:

  • In some cases traffic data may be adversely affected by our “site” definitions. With tens of millions of hosts on the Internet, our automated procedures for determining which hosts are serving the “same” content may be incorrect and/or out-of-date. Similarly, the determinations of domains and home pages may not always be accurate.
  • Rankings for sites with relatively low traffic are rough estimates and are subject to greater volatility. Alexa’s data comes from a large sample of millions of Toolbar users and other sources of traffic data; however, the size of the Web and concentration of most Web users on the most popular sites make it difficult to estimate the ranking of sites with fewer than 1,000 monthly users.
  • The toolbar panel may not be a representative sample of the global Internet population.
  • Global traffic ranks of 100,000+ should be regarded as rough estimates, as the data used to calculate these ranks is sparse. Conversely, the closer a site gets to #1, the more reliable its data.

Here are the White-Hat Methods to Find Alexa Toolbars Users

Install the Alexa Toolbars

It is obvious that toolbars essential in the game of alexa traffic rank. If you want to win the game you need to join it right? Then you need to install alexa toolbars in your browser before you see significant improve on your website’s alexa rank.

For more information, please take the Alexa Toolbar Tour.

To go to the Alexa Toolbar download page, please visit:

Add Alexa Widget into Your Website

Now this part is highly debatable because I’ve seen news websites without any alexa widget but they all had outstanding alexa rank.

This widget will help you a lot if you just establish brand new website and you want to improve the alexa rank fast. Once your website has gained proper monthly readers you may remove the widget.

This is how the alexa widget looks like :

It’s not hard to get one on your website. Just follow the guidance provide by the alexa team here

Understand Your Traffic Origin

Watch your traffic analysis data. Understand where your visitors come from and how you build your traffic.

Basically there’s two ways you can build your traffic, free or paid. Learn from it and see how it affects your alexa rank performance. How can an airlines website can get low alexa rank on their website? Do all the passengers use alexa toolbars on their gadget? Of course not, they spend cash on ads, the website get huge targeted traffic from internet through advertising networks.

This doesn’t mean you have to spend money on advertising to get low alexa rank. Free traffic generation methods like blog commenting works to improve alexa rank. You just need to see where your traffic come from and focus more to explore them.

Find Alexa Toolbars Users Now

If you want to find alexa toolbars users, you have to prepare yourself for it. There are millions of alexa toolbars users out there that are ready to find your website and there are billions of internet users.

You get a big chance to find alexa toolbars users when you get huge amount of traffic from the net. Make sure you prepare for every traffic you get to your website. When they do, don’t waste your opportunity to improve your alexa rank faster than before by applying these 3 simple and white-hat methods.

Do you have any experience in finding alexa toolbars users? Is it sound impossible? Or what’s your best tips to lowered alexa rank for website?


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