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Social Media Marketing : 3 Things To Monitor On Twitter

Twitter is a micro-blogging service that enables users to send and read short messages within the 140-character frame. With its growing popularity, businesses lean towards this social network not only to create awareness about their products and services but also to provide assistance to their current customers. In addition to that, the site offers an excellent opportunity to tap bigger and wider crowd which if used correctly, can convert traffic and generate leads and sales for the businesses.

What To Monitor On Twitter

Monitor your brand through Twitter. Here are three (3) things to get started.

Engagement. This metric is a major KPI (key performance indicator) in the social anddigital marketing industry. It allows your business to grow relationship, build trust and basically give you a face and a voice in the internet world. Regardless if you’re a digital agency in the Philippines, an aviation company in Singapore or an e-commerce firm in Dubai, the way in which your audience interacts with your brand is what separates success stories from the failures. In the Twitterverse, the rate is computed based on the number of replies or mentions and retweets you get on a specific tweet you posted over the total number of your followers to date. It is then multiplied by 100 to show the percentage of your fan base that interacts with your business. By monitoring how engaged your customers are, you’ll have an understanding on what their preferences are and how to service them better.

Hashtags for Keywords and Trends. The # symbol, which is called a hashtag, is used to mark the terms or topics so as to categorize the messages in a more organized way. Hashtags make it easier for users to search about a certain subject in a similar manner like how you type in the words on the Google search bar. Beyond its organization capability, using this will help you follow what’s hot and trending in the Twitterverse which you can later use in tailoring your posts on the social network.

Links. 92% of engagement with the brands’ tweets is mainly due to link clicks. Tweets that contain links receive 86% higher retweet rates than those without having any link on them. This is where shortening services like come into play. By integrating this tool into your account, you get to track which areas to focus on and what ticks to your followers.

About guest blogger
Justin is freelancer living in the Philippines. He is currently working as a copywriter in Optimind, a SEO company in the Philippines that helps clients for almost 12 years in promoting their websites online.


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