Notordinaryblogger – Page 11 – EASY DIGEST

Menangkal Sinar UV dengan Payung SPF 50+

Sinar ultraviolet (UV) dapat menyebabkan berbagai masalah kulit, mulai dari penuaan dini hingga risiko kanker kulit. Oleh karena itu, perlindungan dari sinar UV menjadi sangat penting untuk kesehatan kulit Anda. Selain penggunaan tabir surya dan pakaian perlindungan UV, ternyata ada cara lain yang efektif untuk melindungi diri dari sinar UV, yaitu dengan menggunakan payung SPF […]

Eng-Travel Tips

Exploring Amsterdam to Berlin: Flying vs. Taking the Train

When planning your journey from Amsterdam to Berlin, you may find yourself faced with the decision of whether to fly or take the train. Both options have their merits, and the choice ultimately depends on your preferences and priorities. Let’s delve into the comparison to help you make an informed decision. Cost Comparison: Firstly, let’s […]


Finishing Strong: Maximizing Business Activities on Fridays

Fridays are often viewed as the day to wind down and prepare for the weekend. However, this day holds immense potential for businesses to tie up loose ends, foster productivity, and set the stage for a successful week ahead. In this article, we’ll explore how you can leverage Fridays to maximize business activities and finish […]

Eng-Travel Tips

How to Transit at Dubai International Airport

How to transit at Dubai International Airport is certainly valuable information for those of you who are not used to traveling alone. The difference in language and atmosphere is clearly a distinct nuance when you travel to another country. As one of the international airlines with the widest coverage, it is not impossible that you […]

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