
Follow Up Email After No Response

Follow up email after no response will attract curiosity. Many people wonder how to deal with such a kind of situation. Whoever email receiver is, you’ll hope he/she response immediately that communication is built smoothly. There are specific strategies that you can practice when concocting emails so that anyone who receives them, including super busy high-levels people, will be interested in reading and immediately replying to your emails.

Same strategy can be used for emails that not getting any response. Here are the quick tips:

1. Add Urgency to The Subject Line

Adding the words “RESPONSE NEEDED” to your subject line stating that you need a reply ASAP will give the recipient a sense of urgency. 

2. Repeat Receiver’s Name Several Times 

A simple trick to deal with follow up email after no response related to the name. There is something joy when someone sees their name listed in an email or letter. That’s because, the name is an identity and by repeating it several times in the email, someone seems to get recognition.

You can position it in the email subject, greeting, and email closing. For example, as shown below.

“[RESPONSE NEEDED] Rent Event Space for Free!”

“Dear Alex, continuing the conversation about booking event space…” and

“Thanks Alex”

3. Write Emails that Are Not Too Long

People will be lazy to read a series of sentences that are too long. After the greeting, you should immediately explain what the purpose of your email is.

The appropriate word count for an email is between 50-125 words. More than that the possibility for people to reply to it will decrease. Do not send a long follow up email after no response.

4. Insert Adjectives that Reinforce Your Message

Positive or negative, the adjectives inserted in the middle of a sentence can build the desired emotion.

However, pay attention to politeness in the preparation of sentences, especially if the email you are going to send contains criticism or complaints. Here is an example:

“I am disappointed with the service at your store, because the return of the items I bought was delayed. Please act on this matter immediately.”

5. Humor is Not Forbidden

It could be that you have emailed someone twice, but have yet to hear back. It’s a good idea to send one more email spiced up with a bit of humor. It’s not impossible that this time he will actually reply. Here’s an example:

“Dear Mr. Chuck,

Regarding your event space reservation, I sent it 2 weeks ago, until now I have not received confirmation from Mr. Chuck.

What points below are your reasons?

1. You don’t want to rent an event space but it’s not good to be honest

2. You are too busy to contact me

3. You are interested in ordering but don’t like the event space we have chosen

Please let us know as soon as possible as we are reluctant to continue filling up your email inbox :)”

Try Follow Up Email After No Response

You can try these methods if your important email doesn’t get an answer right away. good luck!


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