
Dead Body Transport from United States

Dead body transport from United States is definitely an unexpected experience for the general public, especially from the United States. However, considering the United States is a large economic center, it makes many people in the world come to this country. Humans gather in the United States with various activities and backgrounds, until fate determines someone dies.

When someone dies in the United States, there are two choices, whether to send the body to their country of origin, or bury the body in the United States according to the location where the body died. Is it possible for individual to easily ship bodies from the United States to other countries?

Regulations of Dead Body Transport from United States

Every country must have regulations or business practices related to the handling of corpses. The United States is no exception. The United States system which consists of states causes the state’s authority to regulate various things, including the transportation of corpses. For example, Texas.

In accordance with the Texas Administrative Code, Title 25 (Health Service), Part 1 (Department of State Health Service), Chapter 181 (Vital Statistics), subchapter A (Miscellaneous Provisions), Rule 181.3 (Transportation of Dead Bodies) provides if:

(a) Bodies shipped by common carrier.

  (1) Any body shipped by common carrier must be placed in either:

    (A) a sound casket enclosed in a strong outside shipping case; or

    (B) a metal container specifically designed for this purpose.

  (2) If the body is not embalmed or is in a state of decomposition, it may be shipped only after enclosure in an air-tight metal casket encased in a strong outside shipping case or in a sound casket encased in an air-tight metal or metal lined shipping case.

  (3) Shipping containers and requirements for the shipping of dead bodies must meet or exceed any requirement imposed by the shipping company, the receiving state or foreign country.

  (4) When any body is to be transported by common carrier, the burial-transit permit shall be enclosed in a strong envelope and attached to the shipping case. No separate transit permit shall be required.

(b) Bodies transported by means other than common carrier.

  (1) Any body transported by means other than a common carrier must be encased in a container which insures against seepage of fluid and the escape of offensive odors, provided, however, that bodies transported by a licensed funeral director in a vehicle used for such purpose need not be so encased.

  (2) If a dead body is to be transported by means other than a common carrier and for a purpose other than preparation or storage, the report of death form shall be enclosed in a strong envelope and attached to the container in which the body is enclosed.

(c) Duties of transportation companies. No transportation company shall accept any body for shipment until it has been ascertained that a properly completed burial-transit permit accompanies the body.

Recipient Country Rules

Every country must have regulations regarding the procedure for goods entering from abroad. In this case, the corpse is included in it. Indonesia, for example, there is Law Number 6 of 2018 Article 45 which regulates:

(I) The body and/or ashes in the Transport Tool shall be examined against the document causing the death in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.

Article 45 above has the meaning that if a body from abroad enters Indonesian territory, an examination of the body entering Indonesian territory shall include:

  • Cause of death (emergency risk disease / no)
  • Permit for transportation of corpses (Human Remains Transport Certificate)

If the relevant authorities in Indonesia judge that the documents of bodies from abroad are adequate, and there is no risk of an emergency, the bodies will be allowed to enter Indonesian territory.

If the body documents are not sufficient, the sender of the body will be asked to complete them.

Different countries different rules. If you want to send human remain to United Kingdom, here’s what you need:

  • get a certified English translation of the death certificate
  • get permission to remove the body, issued by a coroner (or equivalent) in the country where the person died
  • tell a coroner in England if the death was violent or unnatural

You can do death register online :

If you want to repatriate the person who died abroad to the United Kingdom, you will need an international funeral director. The FCDO produces a list of international funeral directors in the UK which may be able to arrange a repatriation.

If the person who died had insurance, their insurance company may have their own funeral directors. If they did not have insurance, you will usually need to appoint your own funeral director or repatriation company.

Once the deceased is arrive, take the death certificate to the register office in the area where the funeral is taking place.

As the death has already been registered abroad, the registrar will give you a ‘certificate of no liability to register’. Give this to the funeral director so the funeral can go ahead.

If you’re arranging the funeral yourself, give the certificate back to the registrar after the funeral’s taken place. You must do this within 96 hours of the funeral.

Above two examples shows you how important it is to understand the business practice in recipient countries.

Business Practice Dead Body Transport from United States

Since the events of September 11, the United States has implemented restrictions on the entry and exit of shipments of goods that have an impact on the delivery of corpses. Not just any person or organization can send bodies from the United States to other countries. Only “TSA known shippers” are allowed to ship bodies from the United States. In practice, almost all funeral homes in the United States are TSA known shippers.

It is not easy to become a TSA Known Shipper, there are a series of information that the shipper must provide to certify that the shipper is a safe service provider. Even if a TSA known shipper is obtained, the status has a validity period of 1 year and can be extended.

The Importance of Documents Cause of Death

The cause of death document is an important document in sending a dead body from the United States. Generally, this document is known as the death record from the hospital which will then be referred to issue a Death Certificate.

Legalization Process

Document related to the causes of death, is an official document issued by the authorities in the United States. According to international law and custom, an official document of the issuing country can be used in the recipient country if the document has received the legalization process from the relevant authorities in the recipient country.

That means, in order for the cause of death documents issued by the United States authorities to function properly in the recipient country, they must obtain legalization from the recipient country’s authorities. It is difficult if you have to go to the recipient country to take care of the legalization of the documents, then return to the United States to send the dead body to the recipient country.

The legalization process can be done through the consulate / embassy of the recipient country in the United States. Ensure you legalize the documents needed to send the dead body from the United States before sending it to the recipient country.

If you skip this legalization process, it is not impossible that the delivery of the body will be delayed in the middle of the journey or even when it arrives in the recipient country. You don’t want to experience this, do you?

Do It Right Dead Body Transport from United States

That’s a review of how to send a dead body from the United States. You must pay attention to the regulations and business practices that exist in the United States and in the Country of Destination (recipient country)

For your convenience, here is a summary:

The delivery of dead bodies is carried out by TSA Known Shipper. The majority of funeral homes are TSA known shippers.

Make sure the dead body documents are complete including:

  • Passport
  • Death Certificate
  • Certificate of Free Contagious Disease
  • Certificate of Embalming
  • Burial Transit Permit

Provide legalization of the above documents through the Consulate/Embassy of the receiving country in the United States.

Generally, the Consulate/Embassy will also provide some kind of explanation letter for the delivery of the dead body. An explanation letter from the Consulate/Embassy will also help smooth the examination of the dead body transport when it arrives in the recipient country. Those are the steps you need to know if you have the need of dead body transport from the United States. This review useful? Don’t forget to share with friends/relatives in need.


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