Personal Finance – Notordinaryblogger
Eng-Business Personal Finance

What is a Finance Charge

A finance charge is the total cost of borrowing, including both the interest and any other fees associated with a financial transaction. It is the amount a borrower pays to a lender for the privilege of borrowing money. Finance charges are common in various credit arrangements, including credit cards, loans, and other forms of credit. […]

Personal Finance

Which is a Positive Reason for Using a Credit Card to Finance Purchases?

A positive reason for using a credit card to finance purchases is: Building Credit History: Using a credit card responsibly and making timely payments can contribute to building a positive credit history. A good credit history is crucial for various financial transactions, including applying for loans or mortgages. By demonstrating responsible credit usage, such as […]

Personal Finance

Which is not a Positive Reason for Using a Credit Card to Finance Purchases?

While using a credit card can have advantages, there are also potential downsides. One not-so-positive reason for using a credit card to finance purchases is: Accumulating Debt: If you consistently carry a balance on your credit card without paying it off in full each month, you’ll likely incur interest charges. Over time, this can lead […]

Personal Finance

How did Andrew Tate Make His Money

Andrew Tate is a former professional kickboxer, fitness trainer, and entrepreneur who has made money through various ventures. Here are some of the ways he has generated income: It’s worth noting that Andrew Tate has been a controversial figure, and some of his statements and views have been criticized. Additionally, the details of his financial […]

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