How to make money on facebook is a method that may not as easy as it sound, yet it doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Seeing other using facebook to generate millions per month can be indeed a tempting. Therefore, this post provides ways to make money on Facebook with easy steps, namely:
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1. Sell on Facebook groups
2. Sell through Facebook Fanpage
3. Use Facebook Fanpage to Generate Traffic to the Website
4. Create a Facebook group
5. Create Facebook Ads
6. Monetize Facebook Fanpage
7. Manage other people’s Facebook accounts
8. Become an influencer
Social media that was previously only used to exchange messages, now can also be used to earn money. Here are all the methods.
1. Sell on Facebook Groups
Selling is the most obvious method on how to make money on Facebook. This method is probably the easiest and most well-known. Do you have an item you want to sell quickly? Just join the Facebook group. There are two types of Facebook groups that are commonly used for selling, namely groups with specific topics and buying-selling forums.
For example, if you want to sell a used cellphone, just join a group that is actively discussing things related to cellphones. Or you want to sell sneakers, then just join the sneakers community group.
If you want to sell general stuff (which doesn’t have a dedicated topic group), just join the general buy and sell group. For example, “Chicago Buy and Sell Forum.” This group sells any item as long as the location of the seller and buyer is in Chicago.
Remember, though you can sell anything in the Facebook group there are still rules about what can’t be sold on Facebook.
2. Sell Through Facebook Fanpage
Apart from selling in groups, creating an online fanpage on Facebook is also one of the ways that people often do online business on Facebook.
Creating a fanpage specifically for an online store gives you outreach to potential customers. Apart from that, you can also place Facebook Ads on your fanpage.
Facebook online store fanpage, can sell homemade goods, do dropshipping, or even become a reseller. Learn more about what is drop shipping and the difference between dropshiping and reseller.
3. Use Facebook Fanpage to Generate Traffic to the Website
Apart from selling, Facebook Fanpage also has many other benefits. One of them can be used to attract traffic to your website. Using fanpage for traffic, you have to promote it. You can start inviting Facebook friends you think might be interested. Ask them to help suggest friends who have an interest in your fanpage topic.
If the fanpage already has a number of followers from the promotion method above. You can start regularly sharing quality and useful content from your website. You have to be active on the fanpage by answering every question and replying to the various comments that come in.
The more traffic, the more people will know about whatever is offered on your website. So that it can increase brand awareness and of course also increase your chances of increasing the business potential from the website.
However, in order for brand awareness to increase, it must be balanced with products that suit your target market. You have to make sure that the product is in good quality. This is because a good product that is supported by high awareness is likely to have good sales.
4. Create a Facebook Group
You can create a Facebook group that discusses the topic of the product you are selling. This group will be like an online forum/community to gather and discuss. Make sure you as the owner of the group always interact with the members so that the group is always active.
Starting from asking, answering or sharing related content. Apart from making them feel at home in the group, this can also make your group a trusted source regarding the topic.
However, you as the group owner must filter the existing questions and answers. Don’t let the topic of discussion go astray or useless debates ensue.
Occasionally, you can answer questions by suggesting your products as solutions to their problems. However, don’t do it too often, because potential customers don’t like excessive promotions.
An example is a facebook group on healthy diet. The group was created by two personal trainers. The two of them not only help members by sharing healthy living tips, but also offer personal trainer services which are their profession.
Another example is Digital Painting group: Tutorials & Feedback. This group was created by Paintable, which is a company that provides online tutoring on digital painting. The group was created so that group members could upload their work, then were given feedback by Paintable, which was then directed to their online lessons.
5. Create Facebook Ads
Different from the previous methods, making Facebook Ads requires money in advance. This is because Facebook Ads are advertisements aimed at Facebook users. But the money is not much, really. Starting from $100, you can already place an ad.
By creating Facebook Ads, you can get many benefits. Starting from determining specific advertising targets, remarketing, to gathering leads.
One example of successful Facebook Ads from pot and kitchen entrepreneur. Ads spent was $100 per day and able to make profit $250 per day.
If you want to generate more with facebook ads, you should make it as a funnel. Direct facebook ads to a landing page that collect customer email and do the sales through their emails. Funnel creates sustainability for your business instead of creating one time sales from customers. Read more: How to Create Sales Funnel
6. Monetize Facebook Fanpage
Another way to get money from the Facebook fanpage is to monetize the fanpage. This method is done by utilizing In-Stream Ads.
In-Stream Ads are short ads that can be embedded in your video content, just like ads on YouTube.
You can monetize your fanpage on any topic, as long as it doesn’t violate Facebook’s rules. Make sure that the video you post is an original video. Content taken from other sources cannot be monetized due to copyright infringement.
Apart from being original, your video must also be relevant to the topic of the fanpage. Relevancy can provoke discussion and engagement. Your video can be popular then ads are seen by many people, and you can get more money.
There are several requirements that must be met before you can place In-Stream Ads. Some of them are your fanpage must have at least 10,000 followers and your videos generate at least 30,000 views in the last 60 days.
7. Managing Other People’s Facebook Accounts
This is more like a job. You are managing other people’s Facebook accounts that can be of many types.
First, you can become a Facebook admin in a small shop. Where your task is quite simple because generally you only become an admin. No need for special skills, such as understanding social media marketing, Facebook ads, Facebook marketing, and so on.
Apart from the online shop administrator, there is also another form of this job, namely Social Media Specialist. You can do this type of work full-time because it requires special skills with higher pay.
8. Become an Influencer
Influencers are not limited to Instagram or YouTube. Facebook can also be an alternative to other social media for those of you who want to become stars on the internet.
Facebook is in the position of the two best markets for influencers. Becoming an influencer on Facebook is also an opportunity that cannot be underestimated. The method is similar from the two social media. You are required to create unique and original content, then you post it on Facebook regularly.
As an example, just look at Cristiano Ronaldo. He always regularly posts original and unique content related to himself on his personal fanpage. These contents also build Cristiano’s personal branding as a public figure. He convinces people that he is a figure who can be trusted to market a product.
After building a reputation and audience on a personal fanpage, you can charge related endorsements or sponsored posts. You can also start selling items. With the audience that you have managed to build, getting profit by selling products can be easier than having to promote from scratch.

Ready to Implement How to Make Money On Facebook?
The way to get money from Facebook above is easy to implement, but actually making money from Facebook is not as easy as you think. In addition to the many competitors, Facebook is also quite strict regarding its monetization policies.
However, as long as there is a will, there must be a way. As long as what you offer is unique and manages to get your audience interested, you can earn money from Facebook in the ways above.
Use Facebook as your media to generate even more money through it. Having separate pages like online shop or landing pages are the best two methods where you can retain Facebook users with your business for long term relationship instead of one time purchase activity.