
How to Make Your Website More Visible

The online marketing world is competitive. Studies show that over 90% of web users look only at the first page of search results. If you have no presence there, it may mean certain death to your start-up.

The good news is that legitimate ‘white hat’ SEO techniques can help put you on that coveted page. True, there are hundreds, if not millions of competitors in your line of business. Every one of those wants to land on the first search results page.

But there are a few billions of keyword searches by users and potential customers each month, giving you billions of opportunities with SEO. Of course, like all relationship building that is sustainable, having authority sites notice you and link to you is an organic process. But there are a few ways in which SEO can get you off the duff and kick-start the process.

SEO Tips on How to Make Your Website More Visible

1. Determine your goals and target audience

This means you should keep your business goals in mind – is there a specific product you want to market, what do you want your website visitors to learn, buy or do? You should have a good understanding of the audience you are trying to target. This will help you to build a website that caters to them, as well use the right keywords and create content that is useful to them. Also use analytic tools (Google Analytics will help you get started) to measure success and make changes.

2. Choose the right keywords

You must be able to choose the most effective and realistic keywords for the services or products you are trying to market. There is no point optimizing content for ‘award winning auto repair’ because that is not a phrase that people will typically search for. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes and use the phrases they’d use. Keep these nuances in mind when you use the Google’s Keyword Planner to gauge frequency of keyword use.

3. Use keywords effectively

Don’t stuff content with keywords – that will only get you kicked out of search engine indexes. Stick with the strongest keywords and reject the weaker ones. Focus on a single topic per page. Use synonyms for the keywords – these are called LSI keywords in SEO parlance. Search engines will see a single page focusing on a keyword as more relevant. Use them in the HTML tags, Meta tags and also in the URL if possible.

4. Make the site user-friendly

Search engine robots that index pages will score your website on loading times, user friendliness, ease of navigation and relevance of content. Your visitors should be able to find exactly what they are looking for. Also be sure to update content often, so visitors keep coming back for new things.

5. Get linked by authority sites

Ask to be a guest blogger on a relevant authority link. This will get you links from other websites and raise your search engine ranking score. Also contact webmasters of relevant sites that may attract people with similar interests and request link exchanges. This will increase your visibility and slowly raise your rankings.

Follow the steps above and take your website towards greater visibility in a highly congested online marketplace.

This post written by : Diana Smith from cubic promote Australia. She is a full time mother of two and a business coach. She is interested in topics related to business, marketing and new office design. Diana loves seeing her readers getting useful information from her articles.


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