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How to Influence People

How to influence people is an important skills on earth to be success. The strategy of influencing other people have been formulated by many experts and researchers. The research is not designed to influence people to commit crimes. The perpetrators are expected to remain on the track of truth, and be implemented into the spectrum of thinking towards effective leadership.

For an example in organizational management, where a manager is required to invite all elements of the organization together in solving organizational problems, towards organizational goals to be achieved. A coach and football manager who leads world-class players and wants them all to be united, fighting to win the match.

Several theories and formulations on influencing strategies or techniques have emerged over the years (Kipnis-1980; Schriesheim-1990; Yukl-1992, Ferris-1997). From the existing disagreements, it can be said that the most widely applied and transferred in further research is the Influence Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ) method. A method developed by a researcher named Gary Yukl (1992), a professor at the University at Albany, America. Based on the IBQ method, there are 9 strategies and techniques for influencing others.

9 Strategies on How to Influence People

#1 Rational Persuasion: Is a method to convince others by using logical and rational arguments. A doctor who advises patients who are heavy smokers, explaining the bad effects of smoking on the lungs and the results of research that proves that smokers are more prone to suffer from other chronic diseases. This is an example of rational persuasion.

#2 Inspiration Appeals: This is a method by asking for ideas or proposals to arouse enthusiasm from the target person. A concrete example of its application is, a minister who oversees the communication and information department, which opens opportunities for the entire IT community to make proposals and ideas about the development of e-government in a country.

#3 Consultation: Occurs when we ask the target person to actively participate in the activities we plan. For example, a CEO consults with the entire environment expert in a country in an effort to invite active participation in the implementation of green company blueprint that has been produced by his department.

#4 Ingratiation: This is a strategy where we try to make the target person happy and calm, before making the actual request. A salesman’s joke about a customer, a leader’s praise of a subordinate before giving a new assignment, or a business partner’s meal treats are included in these ingratiation approach.

#5 Personal Appeals: Occurs when we try to influence the target person on the basis of friendship or other personal matters. We can implement it by starting a conversation, for example with, “Hey bud, I really don’t like talking like this, but since we’ve been friends for a long time and I’m sure you already understand about me…”

#6 Exchange: It is similar to personal appeal strategy, but its nature is not only because of personal relationships, but more because of the process of exchanging understanding of likes, pleasures, hobbies, etc. between us and the target person.

#7 Coalition: Is a strategy where we form a coalition and ask for help from other parties to influence the target person. The winning strategy due to the number of followers is used in this strategy.

#8 Pressure: Occurs where we influence the target person with warnings or pressing threats. A troop commander who threatens demotion to his soldiers who repeats the same mistake. This is an example of implementing pressure strategy to influence.

#9 Legitimizing: It is a method where we use our authority and position to influence the target person. A president who asks a minister to draft a law, a school principal who asks teachers to develop an education curriculum are some examples of the application of legitimizing tactics.

Which Method of How to Influence People Fits You?

Now you know how to influence people. There is more than one method you may try. You can use this guidance as the basis and create your own adjustment to reach your goal. Influencing people is an important strength in business. The right approach of influencing can be a path to success of your business. The best part of it, you are not just influencing people but also gaining friends.


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