Search Engine Optimization

Google Update? 5 Simple Tips to Survive It Forever

I believe Google update is a big deal not only for bloggers but for all internet users.

There is a competition out there on decide what keywords best to use, killer headline, meta tags, description tags, keyword density, backlink, etc. What is it all about? You want to reach out the first page (be on top if possible) of Google. Sad but true.

Frankly speaking, I am also on the list of bloggers that struggle to get listed in the first page of Google. But since Google released the two cute animals (but monsters for blogger) the Panda and Penguin, I start to think twice in developing my blog for the future plan embracing search engine.

I can say Google update affected much on SEO business oriented, but SEO matters itself also important for bloggers as a part of internet users. So, I like to deliver the simple tips a blogger can do to survive Google Update Forever

1. Diversify Traffic Source

You should not focus your traffic source in one basket! Find more alternatives you can, do experiments and analyse it. You can start to sell your content in social media, make billions of social media users love you, take a visit and buy something from your blog.

Another free methods you can use to get traffic are blog commenting and guest posting. I have done the two methods and get significant change on my alexa rank. If you have it on your plan, keep on it.

2. Build Your Subscribers

There is an alternative ways to build readership base without subscribers, but in the end you need to consider about build your own readership base from email subscriptions.

Besides facebook fan page, or twitter followers, I believe email marketing is the best source for traffic. Even better, email marketing can support your make money online campaign.

3. Give More Quality from Your Content

If your main content is an article then you need to make more value to your reader. Not just a consistent updates, you should take into account about the quality.

Update is important and now you have to add quality. Do you think it is more difficult now than before? Try to read this lesson from Corbett Barr on how you can make a great content.
4. Not to Focuss Hardly on Keyword Density

I think keyword density (still) matter, but you don’t need to focus to much on it. Write naturally and finish your article with your own style.

Your ability in adding keyword density will rise after you keep blogging for a while. Blogging is  a never ending learning process. So all you have to do is just create an original post and valuable then you should hit publish.

By the way you can edit your content through your dashborad admin right? Then, take it easy you can do keyword density later on when you are ready.

5. Forget Unnatural Link Exchange

If you ever see an offer for paid backlink, be carefull on that. Google update can flagged and punished your blog rank, you don’t want it to happen, do you?

Try blog commenting the right way (don’t let yourself become a spam comment maker) and learn how to use guest posting strategies. Many advantages you can get from blog commenting and guest posting.

It going to take some of your time but it is worhty in the end.

What’s Next?

Google Penguin Update has affected some prominent bloggers that have made many bloggers worried enough on their SEO campaign. Despite of good or bad Google update is, many still depend on Google for their online business, thus it is important for many of us to re-think our blog content development.

I agree with this statement from webpronews :

Google’s advice is not to worry about specific algorithm changes so much, and focus on good content. Sure, it’s possible to play to certain signals Google uses, but that piece of advice really is more than just hot air from Google. There really is a great deal of merit to that mentality


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