Alat Ngeblog

How Do I Create Video Content for Free?

Create video content for free? You absolutely can. In this post I want to share you how you can create video content for free.

I just find animoto recently and this site looks very interesting to me. As you see in the title that I create this video content for free. The most obvious limitation on this freebie is video length. You are only able to create 30 second video.

What do I use to create video content for free ?

  • Images from freedigitalphotos (to grab the illustration)
  • Paint editor (to edit images)
  • Animoto (to wrap everything into video content)

How about the result? I am using several images then edit it with paint editor and use the helpful tool from animoto to combine everything in and check the result. I have upload the result on Youtube though, check this out.

As you may know, I am completely not a tech-savvy blogger thus this is easy method if you look for a way to create video content.

What can you do with this video content? well, as you may know already that it is important to create variety in the form of content for your blog marketing purposes right? A video content can give your audiences more entertainment and enjoy.

The vast places of video hosting site will also give mass publication for your product or services which will increase the possibility of sales for your business.

Things to keep in mind is that with the free feature you can only make 30 second video. To get longer video duration we have to opt for premium version of the service. Just think first before you decide. If you think it is fit with your marketing plan then it will be a great boost for your business.

What do you think? Have you ever tried to create video content for free using animoto before?


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