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20 Reasons You Are Getting SUCK at Blogging

Do you ever feel SUCK at blogging? If so, that is a clear alert that you have to do something with your blog habits.

Its sounds silly but sometimes you will unconsciously doing things that make you suck at blogging. In fact, you will not realize it before someone else tells you about it. And it’s usually hard to accept others advice to take into accounts.

I think its normal when it happens because sometimes bloggers get bored with blogging. That was why I would like to give you 20 reasons as a reminder that indicates you are getting suck at blogging. Check it out!

1.    Not Having a Blogging Plan

After you realized ‘why’ you are blogging? Then the next step is make your plans. If you have not make any there is better late then nothing, make one for you. A lot of benefits you will get if you make a plans.

Your plan is your direction, it will strengthen your confidence in blogging. Your plans will show you which part is your weakness and which part is your strength. Knowing this two parts are great start to make your blog better.

2.    Not Knowing How to Write Your Voices

Even though nowadays video post is believed as traffic magnets I see that written text is the best way to deliver your message accurately. If you do not like to write then you should learn to like it if you want to stay as a blogger.

There must be a lot of idea in your head that the world need to know, but sometimes it is hard to transform it into a written context. It needs exercise. My best advice on this is write down first all your ideas in your head before it disappears,  then decide what you are going to do with it.

3.    Not Having Time Management

Even blogging give you freedom of business, If you are not making a time plan with your blogging activities, then you will SUCK at it. Blogging takes time, commitment, and discipline. So you are going to need a time investment on when you should do blog and learn to rank your objectives so your time is not getting wasted.

4.    Blogging at Late of Night

Many bloggers set a night time as the best time to make an epic posts. Why ? Night time deemed as the best conditions to provide silence thus inspirations will easily come. But the fact is not all bloggers can do that.

I have an information from which stated ‘ … that morning may be the best time for older adults to undertake challenging cognitive tasks, and that late afternoon or evening may be best for younger people. These are generalizations, not hard-and-fast rules …’

If you feel stuck at your blog right now, try to make change on your blog at night habits and look how it affect your inspirations.

5.    Not Having Time Break

As your blog is the new one, maybe you have targeted a really hard work in the couple of months to make your blog stand out in the crowd niche. In fact, you will going to need more than just a couple of months hard work to achieve that. Working hard will cause your body and mind exhausted.

The best way to make a kick-ass contents is by making a time break for couple of hours or days from your blog. Lets take a look at ‘Why Successful People Leave Work Early’ that deliver great messages :

the key to great success is working harder in short bursts of time. Then give yourself a break before getting back to work

So, start your time-break plans, refresh your brain, mind, body and soul.

6.    Forgetting Friends

This is the worst mistake that could be happened to bloggers during their blogging experiences. Spend times with friends is essentials for your social network in the real life. Sometimes friends advices are the best advises you will ever have on your life experiences, so start change your blogging habits, make it balance with your lifestyle.

Take a look at Cassie Mogilner at the University of Pennsylvania that published “If Money Doesn’t Make You Happy, Consider Time” in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2011. Mogilner inferred that “The more time that individual spend with their partners, best friends, and close friends, the happier they are. When they spend time with people who they dislike or when they spend time alone, their happiness levels drop. Loneliness is a relatively good predictor of unhappiness”.

Your quality time with friends show happiness which means you will have better inspirations for blogging.

7.    Getting Rush to Make Your Post Published

Make a double or triple check toward your draft post before you published it. Make your own edit after finishing your whole writing, then ask someone for proofreading (if possible). Be calm, do not be afraid the topics are being published by someone else in the blogoshpere, remember unique posts come from your own opinion.

Since your post is genuinely yours, thus there is nothing to made you rush to make it published.

8.    Worried too Much

Just ask yourself  how many times in a day, you check your blog stats, email, and social media? You expecting something to grow? If you do this too many times, its indicates you are worried too much. Try to make change, scheduled your time for blog, email and social media.

Do it once in a times as you scheduled then leave it and do your other activity. Just focus on making value through your content and leave the rest to your audiences.

9.    You Do not Want to Ask

Asking is the most powerful tools (and free) to help you solve your problem. Ask your favorite figures about anything you want to know in support you blogging experiences, don’t be hesitated and don’t be afraid. In this ‘asking’ stage you should try first worry later.

Give it a try asks other bloggers. You will find out the power of ‘ask’ is.

10.    Not Creative

Your creativity will help you avoid the copycat labels. There are about million of bloggers out there, thus the possibility of talking on the same topics are so huge. In this matter your creativity should make its role.

As long as you are creative you will survive the ‘update contents’ game in blogging. The more you make updates the better your blog is. But once you are caught copying someone else work, then your credibility is going down.

Be creative on your content updates, make a discussion from a different perspectives.

11.    Read Less

If you do not like to read, then your blogging will be harder than ever before. Your reading habits is your unlimited source of inspirations. Read more about many things will make your inspiration fresh to write a new posts.

Just like Burke Hedges said … “Reading, like no other medium, can transform your life in a flash, and you never know which book, at which time in your life, might be the one that rocks your world and inspires you to grow in ways you never thought possible.”

12.    Afraid of Bad Comments

Comment is something that could motivate blogger to keep blogging. But sometimes those comments are the bad one. Do not ever let yourself afraid of bad comments. Even if the comments are not good to read it is still good. You have got attentions. It means your content has made people to read and to think.

It is your own decision whether to publish the comments or not right? So do not be afraid. Your blog is your rules.

13.    Do not Want to Know Other Experience

Many references available out there that would give us guidance and practical tips, but what actually another powerful things to provide you with better view on blogging? My answer is the ‘other experience’. I have learned about this from my interview with Lola Lobato.

Having known on how other facing difficult times in blogging would ease yourself because you will feel that you are not alone. Furthermore you can learn from other how they manage their problem and take it as your practical guidance to solve your problem.

14.    Do not Like to Make Comments

If you are a blogger than you need to introduce yourself in the blogosphere. There are many ways for introductions. One of it is by leaving comments in other blog. It is like your mark of appearances in your niche, thus people could have your information as a reference.

The More you make a relevant comments more bloggers will pay attention to you.

15.    Don’t Control Your Anger

Being a temperament person is not good in blogosphere. It is true that you can do whatever you want in the blogosphere but you need other bloggers help to grow bigger. Controlling your anger through blog post, reply, or comment shows your quality as a blogger.

It is just like in the real life. If you do not control your anger, how many friends that would like to stay around you?

16.    Do not Want to be a Newsletter Subscribers

As a blogger you are going to need a lot of inspirations. There are many ways on how you can get it. But one of the simplest way to get it is being a newsletter subscribers. You must have your own blogger favorite figures in your niche. Be subscribers of that bloggers.

You will have an update on what is happening in the niche. Sometimes you will have something that completely new and only provided in newsletter form, not in the post page for public. I have relevant post on this at ‘How to Avoid Blank Blog Post Syndrome in Three Simple Steps’, just check it out, and take the value for you.

17.    Making Money Online Above the Value

It is alright if you try to make money from blog but if you exaggerated in this activity then you are going to get SUCK at blogging. How that’s happen? Because you are too selfish, the only thing you care about is profits, not the value you deliver to your visitors.

18.    No Edit After Publish Your Post

No matter how good your proofread is, sometimes mistake always occur. Do not too much worried in this, you are human and human do mistakes. More important is how you overcome that mistake. Once you realized any mistake after you hit published on your draft post, fix it as soon as possible.

19.    Not Interesting in Self-Experiment

If you want your blog performance better than before, then make some smart experiment. Many ways available for this, it all depends on you. If you have enough budget you may buy some tools to boost your blog performances.

If you’ are not having enough budget there is also ways to do your own experiment. For example, make experiment from post length to evaluate performance. What is your post length habits? Short or long? Make change and look how it affect your blog performance.

20.    Not Having Favorite Figure in Your Niche

If you are not having one in your niche, then you should find one. This is not only could give you motivation to do the best in your blogging experience but also a better understanding for your blogging problems. You will easily grasp the lessons you need to understand. For example when you were in school who was your favorite teacher? Then you must be enjoy the class so much and absorb the knowledge better when your favorite teacher thought you.

Having known all these signs could alert yourself to get back in the ‘blog to success track‘. What else the good thing than tell one another to keep alerts as bloggers? . . . Cheers.

Read other posts :
Vacation for a Writer
When Writer’s Block Coming to You
How to Build Trust and Keep Make Money Online

If you find this post helpful please share it so others can also benefit, If you have other reasons based on your experiences I would love to hear it, please share your insight in the comments below.


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