What is a shared hosting you may ask? It is important to understand the kind of hosting when you decide your business to go online. As the name implies, shared hosting is a hosting service where your hosting account is placed together with other hosting accounts on the same server.
Another way to understand a shared hosting:
Imagine there is a large room and the owner rents out the room to many people.
Then you come and rent a place in that room. You share the room with other people who are also renting.
The room is a server and the server is shared with everyone who rents it.
Advantage and Disadvantage of a shared hosting
First, the price is cheap.
Another benefit is that you don’t have to bother with technical maintenance on the server when running the program, because all shared hosting is fully managed by the hosting service provider.
The management of the technical maintenance such as the web-based control panel (cPanel) which is easy to use, so it will be easy for you to install platforms such as WordPress, create email accounts and add databases, without needing to touch coding at all.
The main problem in shared hosting is limited resources.
Due to sharing in the same server, each user has some restrictions in their services.
For example, if one of the server users uses too many resources, such as a lot of traffic/visits, spamming emails, etc., then your website or other users on the same server will experience downtime or slow load times.
Is Shared Hosting Good for Your Business?

Shared hosting is good for users who don’t want to spend a lot of money on a hosting package.
Shared hosting is best suited for new websites, personal blogs, online stores and business websites with not too many visits per month (usually less than 25,000 traffic/month). Read: What is a Dedicated Server Hosting?