3. Social Media Marketing Package: Build Relationships
Connection is the most important thing from social media. Having good connections will make it easier for you to do product marketing. So, you must also be able to take advantage of your social media to start building networks with potential people to become your costumers.
This is the case when you need a social media manager.
With the cost as low as $140-$250 per month, you can have social media manager. Check it here
4. Social Media Marketing Package: Sharing Curated Content
Social media is one of the places where the accuracy of content is very important. So you have to be able to keep the content relevant and keep growing. The process of accuracy of content is also a process of finding quality content from all websites that you will share on social media.
You must be able to choose quality and useful content. Curated content is very important to do because it has several benefits, including increasing SEO rankings on search engines, building a good business, increasing engagement on social media and increasing the number of followers.
This is also the case when you need a social media manager. Here’s the alternative of social media marketing packages for small business in term social media manager.
Check it here
5. Social Media Package: Creating Valuable Content
Social media marketing strategies are said to be effective if they can balance curated content and self-created content.
Creating your own content does require more effort, but if you can do it well, it will be able to increase traffic to your website. The website will be visited by more readers, so that it can get better reviews.
You must be able to ensure that every piece of content that you create has a valuable message for readers, so that they will repeat to visit your website. The characteristic of valuable content is that it can answer readers’ questions, can solve problems and provide benefits to those who read it.
By posting valuable content, you can get many benefits such as better business reputation, higher SEO rankings, influencers will recommend your business content and open opportunities for your business to be covered by the media.
This is the case when you need a content creator or content manager. This can cost you around $45 (Check it here) to $700 per month (Check it here)
6. Social Media Package: Good and Attractive Images
The use of attractive images will be able to attract customer attention quickly. You can use images when creating a business description and who the people behind it are. Apart from that, you can also use it to educate your customers and make information easy to digest for customers.
This is the case when you need photo editor. Here are the providers of photo editor for social media use: