Here are our privacy policy for this blog
Bahasa yang digunakan di blog ini adalah bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, namun demikian dominan adalah bahasa Indonesia.
(The languages used in this blog are English and Indonesian, however, the dominant language is Indonesian.)
Blog ini mengandung penawaran produk atau jasa terkait tema dalam bentuk link, banner dan sebagainya yang memungkinkan admin blog memperoleh penghasilan darinya atas tindak lanjut pengunjung blog. Aktivitas ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan untuk mendukung biaya yang muncul atas operasional blog ini.
(This blog contains product or service offerings related to the theme in the form of links, banners and so on that allow blog admins to earn income from it for the follow-up of blog visitors. This activity aims to generate profits to support the costs incurred for operating this blog.)
Blog ini memiliki antisipasi keamanan untuk meminimalisir kejadian yang tidak diinginkan dalam bentuk keamanan internet. Admin tidak menjamin apapun atas efek samping dari aktivitas keamanan yang diterapkan tersebut.
(This blog has security anticipation to minimize unwanted events in the form of internet security. The admin does not guarantee anything for the side effects of the implemented security activities.)
Blog ini merupakan blog dengan target pembaca umum sehingga bukan tidak mungkin anak-anak membaca konten blog ini. Sekiranya ada yang tidak berkenan harap dapat menyampaikan informasi itu kepada admin untuk ditindaklanjuti.
(This blog is a blog with a general target audience so it is not impossible for children to read the content of this blog. If there is something that is not pleasing, please convey the information to the admin for follow-up.)
Dalam menjalankan blog bukan tidak mungkin pengunjung diminta menyampaikan nama dan alamat email atau kontak personal lainnya.
(In running a blog, it is not impossible for visitors to be asked to submit their name and email address or other personal contacts.)
PENGUMPULAN INFORMASI OTOMATIS. Server blog ini secara otomatis mengenali pengunjung blog berdasarkan IP address. Tidak ada informasi personal pengunjung yang dipublikasikan dalam proses ini.
(AUTOMATIC INFORMATION COLLECTION. This blog server automatically recognizes blog visitors based on their IP address. No personal visitor information is published in this process.)
COOKIES. Dari waktu ke waktu, blog ini mungkin menggunakan standar “cookies” sesuai fitur browser pada umumnya yang memungkinkan admin mengetahui data kunjungan Anda ke blog ini. Cookies membantu admin memahami bagian mana di blog ini yang bermanfaat untuk pengunjung dan bagian mana yang perlu perbaikan. Untuk menonaktifkan cookies bisa Anda lakukan dengan mudah. Jika fitur Cookies Anda tidak aktif, beberapa fitur blog mungkin tidak berfungsi dengan baik.
(COOKIES. From time to time, this blog may use standard “cookies” according to typical browser features that allow admins to know the data of your visit to this blog. Cookies help admins understand which parts of this blog are useful for visitors and which areas need improvement. To disable cookies you can do it easily. If your Cookies feature is disabled, some blog features may not function properly.)
Blog ini mengandung konten informatif yang berarti pengunjung bebas berkomentar sesuai kolom yang tersedia. Harap dimengerti bahwa setiap komentar yang muncul diawasi oleh software tertentu untuk menjamin kesopanan, kepantasan dan kewajaran informasi umum di internet.
(This blog contains informative content which means visitors are free to comment according to the available columns. Please understand that any comments that appear are monitored by certain software to ensure the decency, appropriateness and fairness of general information on the internet.)
Link dalam kolom komentar akan dihapus karena dianggap spam.
(Links in the comments column will be removed because they are considered spam.)
Komentar berbau promosi akan dihapus dan tidak akan ditampilkan.
(Promotional comments will be deleted and will not be displayed.)
Komentar di non-aktifkan sejak tahun 2020.
(Comments have been disabled since 2020.)
Blog ini memiliki link ke website lain. Jika Anda memilih mengunjungi website lain, notordinaryblogger tidak memiliki kendali atas privasi Anda di website tersebut dan itu mutlak menjadi tanggung jawab Anda untuk memahami kebijakan dan privasi website lain.
(This blog has links to other websites. If you choose to visit other websites, notordinaryblogger has no control over your privacy on those websites and it is absolutely your responsibility to understand the policies and privacy of other websites.)
Website pihak lain bisa dalam bentuk iklan, link afiliasi, link referal, banner iklan, atau link promosi lainnya.
(Other parties’ websites can be in the form of advertisements, affiliate links, referral links, advertising banners, or other promotional links.)
Konten dalam blog ini merupakan ciptaan admin dan penulis kontributor.
(The content on this blog is the creation of admins and contributing authors.)
Pihak lain tidak diijinkan melakukan duplikasi, reproduksi, distribusi ataupun bentuk penggandaan/perbanyakan lainnya atas konten yang ada di blog ini untuk tujuan komersial tanpa pemberitahuan tertulis.
(Other parties are not permitted to duplicate, reproduce, distribute or other forms of reproduction / reproduction of the content on this blog for commercial purposes without written notice.)
Pihak lain diperbolehkan merujuk ke salah satu konten di blog ini jika memang dianggap bermanfaat dan sesuai topik bahasan yang diperbincangkan.
(Other parties are allowed to refer to any of the content on this blog if it is considered useful and according to the topic of discussion.)
Segala bentuk konflik atau sengketa yang muncul akibat interpretasi konten di blog ini akan diselesaikan dengan musyarawah mufakat secara kekeluargaan.
(Any form of conflict or dispute that arises as a result of the interpretation of the content on this blog will be resolved by amicable deliberation and consensus.)
Pembaruan Kebijakan tanggal 23 Mei 2018
Blog ini tunduk pada ketentuan GDPR yaitu regulasi oleh Uni Eropa untuk melindungi data warga negara Uni Eropa dan memberikan mereka kendali lebih besar terhadap penggunaan data yang direkam dan digunakan secara online. Lebih jelasnya mengenai GDPR silahkan baca ulasan Apa Itu GDPR
(This blog is subject to GDPR provisions, which are regulations by the European Union to protect the data of EU citizens and give them greater control over the use of data that is recorded and used online.)
*Kebijakan privasi ini dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan menyesuaikan perkembangan yang ada. Pengunjung yang datang dianggap sudah paham dengan disediakannya laman khusus kebijakan privasi ini.
(*This privacy policy is subject to change at any time without notice according to existing developments. Visitors who come are considered to have understood the availability of a special page for this privacy policy.)
We have integrated the consent management tool “consentmanager” ( from consentmanager AB (Håltgelvågen 1b, 72348 Västerås, Sweden, on our website to obtain consent for data processing and use of cookies or comparable functions. With the help of “consentmanager” you have the possibility to give your consent for certain functionalities of our website, e.g. for the purpose of integrating external elements, integrating streaming content, statistical analysis, measurement and personalized advertising. With the help of “consentmanager” you can grant or reject your consent for all functions or give your consent for individual purposes or individual functions. The settings you have made can also be changed afterwards. The purpose of integrating “consentmanager” is to let the users of our website decide about the above-mentioned things and, as part of the further use of our website, to offer the option of changing settings that have already been made. By using “consentmanager”, personal data and information from the end devices used, such as the IP address, are processed by consentmanager. In addition, the processed information may also be stored on your device.
The legal basis for processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. c) in conjunction with Art. 6 para. 3 sentence 1 lit. a) in conjunction with Art. 7 para. 1 GDPR and, in the alternative, lit. f). By processing the data, consentmanager helps us (according to GDPR this is the responsible party) to fulfill our legal obligations (e.g. obligation to provide evidence). Our legitimate interests in processing lie in the storage of user settings and preferences with regard to the use of cookies and other functionalities. “Consentmanager” stores your data as long as your user settings are active. After two years after making the user settings, the consent will be asked again. The user settings made are then saved again for this period.
You can object to the processing. You have the right to object to reasons arising from your particular situation. To object, please send an email to