Search Engine Optimization

The Days When SEO Began To Catch the Eyes

SEO Began to Catch the EyesThis guest post is by John Goover

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a method of getting your website a higher rank amidst search engines resembling Google, Bing or Yahoo. Search Engine Optimization companies work with clients as an extension to their marketing team. SEO s are good advocates that make your business grow in an exciting way. The job of the SEO is to bridge the gap between the technical needs of search engine bots and the human needs for information, products or services. All these are done to increase the revenue of an organization. The revenue is gained from the crops sold, leads captured or page views earned.

Search Engine Optimization is a major force behind online marketing and website growth these days. Let us have a look at the SEO background to get an idea about how and when SEO entered the web world. Search Engine is the term used to refer to the software which internet users use to access information from virtual sources through keyword search. Search Engines operate through algorithms. The development of search engines happened pretty fast. The first search engine showed up in the 1990s. The first search engine was called Archie which was created in 1990 by Alan Emtage. By SEO operations any search engine is trying to rank number 1 for any keyword. A programmer programs a spider to rank search engines since a spider cannot think. Then the spider finds out which site is the best. In case you are intelligent enough to feed the spider correctly what the programmer thinks is important, you will be able to rank number 1. SEO software claims to know and be able handle all parameters for ranking a website number 1.

Why SEO?

SEO is one of the predominant ways to get traffic into your website. But ranking number 1 is not the only thing a SEO does for a website. There are umpteen internet users who want articles at the mere hit of some keys on their key board. SEOs aim at marketing articles which can be obtained by key word search. It is mandatory for the prosperous growth of a website to get articles written on highly popular keywords which are in great demand. Else just writing an article which may not be searched for on the web will result in waste of time and energy without serving any purpose.

SEO gives the spiders what they like, the software of which tries to seek the attention of the spiders. When a customer is in need of an article, he or she has to check the numbers and facts about a number of SEO software before deciding to zero in on one of those. The consumer has to check if the ranking is perfect for its product, is the website ranking well for popular keyword. Only all these requirements of the consumer are met, one has to decide on buying it from the selected website. SEO is a high tide of the current day virtual world which fulfills the needs of millions of users across the globe within a fraction of a second.

About guest blogger
John Groover is a good writer in freelance writers, a good researcher. He really loves freelance writer jobs. Any kind of writing needs full efforts, time and attention. He believes that to be a victorious writer; learn craft, study the business side of the industry, and determine to succeed.


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