Pekerjaan dan Motivasi

Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris yang Lengkap

Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris untuk Hotel

Untuk Anda yang ingin mencari inspirasi menulis surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris untuk hotel dapat melihat contoh berikut ini:

Nama Surat Tujuan

Alamat Perusahaan Pembuka Lowongan Kerja

Dear Mr [Nama Pejabat Terkait di Perusahaan],

I am thrilled to be applying for the open Front Desk position at Sumba Hotel and Resort. I am a highly motivated worker with two years of experience handling front desk duties at Bianglala Resort, a resort in West Java. In addition, I graduated from the University of Pelita Harapan with a degree in Business Administration, earning a 3.5 GPA. My skills and academic experience make me the perfect fit for the role.

During my two years as a front desk, I developed many skills to assist with the rapid growth of Bianglala Resort. I was tasked with scheduling appointments, handling weekly breakfast orders, restocking office supplies and snacks, developing surveys, and purchasing technology for new employees. In Q4 of 2015, I was able to add the company profit over $5,000 by finding clients on corporate sectors. During company 360 evaluations, I was consistently rated in the top 95th percentile by my peers and bosses for my competence and positive attitude at work.

Having studied your job description, I am aware that Sumba Hotel and Resort is looking for a Front Desk operator that can handle more than the occasional visitor and phone call. Given the wide range of my responsibilities at my previous job, I believe I have the requisite skills and abilities to handle any tasks that you require.

I would love to have the opportunity to further explain my qualifications for the role. You can contact me by email at or by phone at ###-###-####. I am ready to make myself available at your convenience.


Your Name

Selanjutnya contoh lamaran kerja berbahasa inggris untuk lamaran kerja ke bank


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