Media Sosial

Why Every Blogger Should Be Using Google+

This is guest post by Joanna

While most bloggers are aware of the importance of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter for connecting with audience members and generating visibility, few fully realize the remarkable potential of Google+. Successful blogging isn’t just about telling a good story, it is also about making a consistent, lasting impression on readers, clients and potential clients. The thriving interactive community of Google+ puts the full power of search engine behemoth Google — and its 500 million users — at your fingertips toward the fortification or advancement of your brand.

Only Connect
The best blog entry in the world is moot without an audience. Google+ helps bloggers build relationships by promoting meaningful interaction between users who belong to the same “Circle.” Through consistent posting and sharing within your circles, you gather more “+1s” thereby generating critical exposure for your content. Don’t forget that reciprocity is a large motivating factor, the more people you add, the bigger your network grows.

Social Networking Grows
Social networking opportunities continue to evolve thanks to sites like Google+

A Brand Booster
Each user’s Google+ profile is consistent across all Google platforms. Whether you’ve uploaded a YouTube video or commented on an article, members of your circles can easily locate and follow your actions as they are linked to your profile. As your body of work grows, so does your realm of influence. In addition to Google sites, users can also link to other blogs and content through their Google+ names and email addresses.

The Google Authorship tool is a critical partner in building your blog’s brand. Claiming authorship is simple, and yields significant results ranging from increased search rankings to better click through rates. Bloggers who take advantage of this free promotional method experience heightened credibility and continually improving results.

Ingenious Integration
Google offers hundreds of features to its users, all of which are ultimately integrated into the Google+ social network. This includes not just your own blog entries, but also all comments you’ve made and received on blog entries and shared content. This streamlined identity is unparalleled among social network sites. For example, if you’re looking for online accounting software that’s the best fit for your business, Google+ draws from a breadth and depth of published content to help make that decision easier.

Social Media Dice
Don’t rely on the equivalent roll of dice when it comes to building your blog’s brand, when the odds are strongly in your favor with Google+

Search Supremacy
Google is the undeniable master of its search engine domain, and websites succeed or fail on its influence. It follows that content published on Google+ gets indexed immediately and achieves better search results. Bloggers looking for prominent rankings are missing a major market opportunity if not taking advantage of Google+.

Despite its relatively late entrance into the social networking game, Google+ is primed for continued growth. For today’s bloggers, Google+ delivers an online, interactive audience just waiting to hear what you have to say. Begin building your circles now not only to reach out to meet and exchange information with like-minded friends, professional peers and acquaintances, but also to create and enhance your brand identity.

About guest blogger
Joanna Hughes writes on all subjects, ranging from style and fashion to the latest in tech news.


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