Search Engine Optimization

What Are SERPS Actually?

What is a Search Engine Result Page (SERP)? A SERP is a page showing the outcomes of something that has been explored by search engine. The top search sites include Google, Yahoo and the Bing from MSN.

When you want to find or search for something online and do not know which place to go, you normally take the assistance of distinct search engines.  On writing particular keyword of the hint that you need to look for online, on the search engine’s search box, you discover that the outcomes are shown in a list page, if there are more than a few results; they are shown in more than one list page.

These list pages are known as SERPS, your goal is to get on the first page of these result page so people searching for what you have to provide will discover you!

The design of an SERP are not similar for all the search engines.  They vary with the engines that are utilized.  Moreover, the outcomes may vary in accordance to the search engines.  Few of them have particular relevancy with several websites and precisely as per the type of search, these websites are shown on the top, while the others, which do not have relevancy, are shown later.

Moreover, few of them display ads of the sponsors’ right side, while few display them on the top.  Thus, every search engine has their own style of their Search Engine Result Page.

Frankly speaking, these SERPs are becoming home pages for most of the internet surfers these days.


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