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7 Best Tips for Choosing the Right Theme for Your Blog Site

This guest post is by Bob Parker

Irrespective of your experience in blogging, you need a criterion for choosing the right theme for your blog otherwise; you are likely to achieve anything considerable at all. Selecting the best theme is similar to choosing the model of your ideal house or deciding on the color of your new car. Similarly, you have to have specific standards for selecting the best theme for your blog site. In this post, I will be sharing some of the best tricks and tips for deciding on the best theme for your blog site.

1. Decide on what sort of services or products that you would like to make available through your blog site. It will be the key to determine what theme you should employ in your blog site. Let’s say you sell gadgets like watches or computers, and then use a colorful and fancy theme. With this niche, you must have a very beautiful theme since you are mainly catering to those people who are eager to add appeal to their personality.

2. Identify the type of audience that you would like to draw to your blog site.  If you offer spiritual items like rosary or scapulars, you must choosing the right theme about religious people for your audience. In such a case, you will need a theme that is just ordinary and simple. The look of your blog will not be of much significance in this type of niche but the information that you would like to share through your blog site.

3. Make certain that the theme you will employ works with most internet browsers.  Even when you have selected the theme which fits your niche but is just not browser compatible, you will need to find a different one.  Ensure that your chosen theme is watchable even in mobile phones and tablets. You will be losing a sizeable amount of prospective clients if the theme you use is only able to be seen using a couple of browsers.  The most effective theme is a theme that can be seen through major web browsers available.

4. Make use of a theme that is simple and fast to load. Choosing the right theme must load as fast as possible so that site visitors don’t have to wait to visit your site.  When the theme you end up picking is very slow loading, almost certainly your visitors may visit another site and eventually bypass your website. A theme that is fast loading is a kind of theme which has a less number of screen elements. It is advisable to look at this issue in advance before selecting for a theme.

5. Utilize a theme originating from a trusted origin. Typically, free themes possess a code or codes that inserted within them. If the harmful codes are able to go through your system, you could be at risk of id theft or it is going to decelerate your system. Should you find it difficult to afford to obtain a premium theme, you’ve got no choice but to implement free themes. However be sure you down load free themes just from sources you can trust.

6. Employ a theme which is already enhanced for all search engines.  You must employ a theme which is traffic ready. A non-optimized theme could have trouble in positioning high among engines like Google. You simply won’t make money from your site in case you work with a non-optimized theme simply because conversions are a result of getting heavy traffic. Nowadays there are an incredible number of websites and a lot more are being added every day, and the only method that will beat your competition is by using an SEO optimized and accurately coded design for your potential clients.

7. Choosing the right theme which is fully responsive.  Lastly, choosing the right theme you ought to utilize is a theme that is certainly completely responsive to more compact devices. Currently, people are making use of their phones and smaller gadgets to access the internet. They are those individuals who are constantly on the move and can’t manage to take bigger devices with them. To improve your supply of traffic, your theme needs to be phones and tablets ready.

Bob Parker is a heavy blogger and an SEO expert. He loves to share in his blogs about great SEO tips and tricks. He is also a contributing writer to


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