6 Major Blunders Webmaster Do In Link Building – Notordinaryblogger

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6 Major Blunders Webmaster Do In Link Building

The world of SEO was never as severe as it is now. Webmasters included their content with keywords and simply bought traffic by reciprocal links with different sites owner.

However, with two major updates from Google, Search engine giant has tightened its rule over webmasters improving the challenges for them. The search engine has begun considering the use of keywords and the quality of links when ranking pages.

If you’ve realized a decrease in traffic recently, especially after the updates, one of the backgrounds could be a blunder in your link building strategy. Here is a list of the major blunders most webmaster do and the way out for it.

Build Links Instantly

It is an easy solution of the problem and can assist you get thousands of links, but generating many links instantly is not beneficial to your website. Google will start suspicious to your site because it looks unnatural. Be patience in building links to our site.

Placing links at the wrong places

Most webmasters promote a site by distributing content to location other than their website. The common location includes article directories and other websites or blogs that admit guest posts. Site owners tend to choose to submit content to blogs that admit content easily.

Difficult approval mechanism indicates no tolerance for low quality and as such audiences trust these sites for the content and information they give. Therefore, you should be very cautious about where you opt to submit content if you’re searching sites to build quality links.

Often Use of Exact Match Anchor Texts

Abundant use of exact match anchor texts links within the content is another major link building blunder given by SEO experts. It can hurt your search engine ranking severely and also end in your site being punished. A better option is to use variation keyword anchor text links.

Having Links from Irrelevant Sites

The passion with building links for our website often intrigues one to exchange links with any site demand to exchange links reciprocal. When we exchange links with sites not related with your niche, you are most likely attempt to poke Google that you choose to take the shortcut. If you are searching for back links for your site, it is recommended to select only relevant sites.

Losing the Quality Standard

Webmasters focus on the diverse methods in which they can establish back links for their website by implementing rich anchor text links. The fact of building quality links is not mainly about building them but more in earning them by publishing quality content. Your community will voluntarily click links and distribute them if the content you share is valuable, informative, engaging and accurate.

Neglecting Alt Text in Image

Image links is not as best as text links but if an image link is another way to earn safe backlink. Make sure that the ALT text of the image link has your selected keywords.

Avoid These Blunders Now

Always remember that backlinks are highly important for your site and that is why you should seriously pay heed to what kind of links you are establishing. It is surely not a waste of time to build a good number of quality backlinks with patience.


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