5 Ways to Get Your First Freelance Writing Work – Notordinaryblogger

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5 Ways to Get Your First Freelance Writing Work

An 8 to 5 job nowadays is not enough to compensate our needs. There will be a time that we are running short on our budget and we resort on borrowing some money from our friends. But there is other way aside from it. You can do freelance writing while having your full-time job. Meaning, you can work at home or anywhere as long as you have a laptop and internet connection (except at the company you are working for). At first, it would be challenging but it will be worth it.

Why is it challenging? Because there are plenty of good freelance writers out there. There are numerous writing job opportunities but the competition  is really tight. What you can do to have a chance on freelance writing is build a portfolio of your writing work and I’m sure, writing jobs will haunt you down.

So, how do you start? Here’s how:

1. Begin to build your writing portfolio. This is a must because you can’t apply for a freelance writing job unless you can give them some sample of your work. It is important that you future boss or employer will have something to decide whether he/she will hire you. Remember that you are marketing yourself in freelance writing jobs and one way to do it is to show your written works. You can start doing this by writing for article directories like Ehow, Ezine and Helium. These sites are authority when it comes to information sharing and excellent writers.

2. Start on your personal blog. In blogging, you can market your written works for free. You can attract readers and eventually leads to interaction. When applying for freelance writing work, you can direct them to your personal blog. Having a blog means having a source of income specially if you are writing for a large audience.

3. The use of social media. This one is for building your network. You can utilize this sharing your content with Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and other popular websites. These sites can help you gain readers and potential job as well. Make sure that you are always active and visible.

4. Apply for sites that offer content. Once you have built your portfolio and visible on social media sires, you can now apply to content provider websites that actually pay for a good quality content. Again, you need to have written samples to submit in order to be accepted as a regular writer for their website.

5. Finding your niche. Writing can be a tedious job, there’s no doubt about it. What you can do is find content provider website that is your field of interest. Like if you’re into photography, then find a site that actually looking for writer on photography. And if you like dining out or food in general, you can look for websites that offer restaurant reviews for people. The key here is that you love what you write because it will be easier for you to produce a good quality content.

Remember that you need to produce good quality of written works in able to sustain your needs and become a regular writer.

Above content is a guest post by Elizabeth Terry

Elizabeth Terry is a college gal who majors in Creative Writing. While studying she’s doing a quality essay writing at essayontime.com. Eliz is also a blogger who likes to share little information with other people.


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