Marketing Afiliasi

4 Ways Not to Fail on Affiliate Marketing from Blog

Sell something is the easiest way to make money. In online world affiliate marketing is a perfect form of “selling” for beginners to make their first money online.

First time I heard that I didn’t agree. To me … placing pay per click banner ads is a lot more easy to make money from blog.

But then, I was thinking … affiliate marketing was not that hard if we now exactly what to do …

Basically, all you need is to promote a particular product and if there is a purchase you will make money.

Thus, why many people still fail on affiliate marketing from blog?

“To Understand Why You Have Failed, There is Wise to Know How Others Have Succeed”

Many bloggers feel stressed due to the fail results of their affiliate marketing efforts within their blog. From that situation I have an idea to write on my experiences on how to earn from your first affiliate marketing campaign.

If you’re one of the bloggers who make money online through affiliate marketing and feel your efforts are not good enough, some view in this article may be  good for evaluation of your plan to make money from affiliate marketing in the future.

Anyway, once again, I am not writing this to teach  you but I more likely to share my experience on how you can achieve your first dollar in affiliate marketing.

This is the story on how I can earn my first dollar from a web host company’s affiliate program. For more details please read : How Can I Earn $ 2,000 from Affiliate Marketing in My Blog

Can you imagine if you run an affiliate marketing campaign for more than one products and all of them earn you money …. ? Of course you can offset the monthly costs just from your blog with affiliate marketing.
So what makes a blog reader buy a products through my affiliate recommendation?

Here is my preview that I like to share:

1. Choose the right product. In earning commissions through affiliate marketing you need to find the right products for you to promote. One of the most powerful ways of promotion online products is through your own blog. So choose products that are related to your niche, if so ….  you are likely to succeed in making money from your blog sooner than you can imagine.

2. Make a creative promotional campaign. What is the main content of your blog? As you can see, here, the main content is the article with the topics of “blogging tips and make money from blog”. So make articles related to your blog theme and the product that you are promoting. Pack the form of articles in a style that is interesting, containing problem solving, containing your opinion, and not overpowering in inviting readers to buy from your affiliate links.

For  your information I have several articles in English related to affiliate promotion on my blog. And one of them is into the category of “popular posts”.

After you prepare a promotional articles then all you have to do is bring most readers to read it. Popular stuff means most people like it, thus there is no reason for others not do the same.

If the majority of visitors of your blog read the article, it also means the chances of you getting more commission from affiliate marketing is bigger too.

3. Get to know your visitors. Did you know that in general there are two types of blog visitors?

The first are those who just like to look and read

The second are those who like to take action ( clicking on banner advertisements, affiliate links, leave comments, etc.)

What can you do to recognize your visitors?

Look at how they interact. Do they read (check your blog bounce rate) and comment (evident in the comments field), whether they share your article to facebook, twiter and so on.

Learn how they come to your blog. Take a look on your traffic reports. Google analytics is a free tool that great for your blog development as a whole.

By knowing the characteristics of your blog visitors, you can make a judgment for yourself whether affiliate marketing from your blog is just fit into you or not.

4. Increase your understanding of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This does not mean you have to be a champion in every SEO contest, but understand how to create articles which have high levels of good SEO’s will help you out finding more potential buyers.

How was your experience? In your opinion what makes a blogger Fail to Make Money from Affiliate Marketing? Maybe you have a better option than me in making money from blog with affiliate marketing, please feel free to share it with other readers.


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